Chapter 12
Organizing and Sharing Your Photos Like a Pro
Deleting unwanted photos
Favoriting your best photos
Organizing your albums
Exploring the search tool
Sharing your photo albums
As an international photography workshop instructor, I often hear the following complaint from my workshop participants: “I love taking photos, but I have thousands of images and they are spread out everywhere! I need a logical and efficient workflow.”
It’s quite possible that you’ve dealt with the same frustrations, or possibly will in the future. This chapter can be a great benefit to you as you discover how to create an organized post-production photography workflow.
Understanding Post-Production Workflows
The term post-production workflow is often used in photography circles and refers to what you do with your image the moment after you take the photo.
After you take your photo, you have several options:
- Place it in an album.
- Edit it (see Chapter 11).
- Delete it if necessary. ...
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