Using Ajax to POST to a Web Service

Although you can POST data to a web page, a small amount of additional work will let us post to a WCF web service method. In this section, we'll add a method to our web service that will perform the calculation and revise our jQuery script. Listing 11-19 shows the addition to the TriathlonService.svc code-behind class.

Listing 11-19. Adding a calculation method to the web service

[OperationContract] [WebInvoke] public JSONCalculationResult PerformCalculation(int laps, int length, int mins, int cals) {     const float metersToMiles = 0.00062137119223733f;     const float minsPerHour = 60f;     return new JSONCalculationResult() {         distance = ((laps * length) * metersToMiles).ToString("F2"),         calories ...

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