

A64, 53
AAPCS64, 55
exception levels, 448
execution, 447
instructions, 108
user registers, 54
vector table, 451
Absolute difference, 354
Absolute value, 308, 356
Abstract Data Type (ADT), 155
Accessing devices, 405
Accumulate, 190
Accumulator register, 191
Acorn RISC Machine (ARM) processor, 6
Addition, 187
fixed point, 252
floating point, 287
Address counter, 34
Addressing mode, 53, 61–65, 67, 80, 140, 150, 299
ADT, 155
big integer, 212
implementation, 155
code, 156
interface, 155
ADTs, 155
Advanced SIMD, 293, 323, 333, 337, 347, 348, 361, 382, 390
architecture, 393
implementation, 404
instructions, 294, 323, 397, 403, 404
shift, 372
syntax, 323
vector, 395, 396
intrinsics, 403, 404
register, 323, 325, 333
single precision, 397
subroutines, 125
Aggregate ...

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