Appendix A. The AspectJ Runtime API

It is sometimes useful to access information about the join points that trigger an advice in your aspects at runtime, and AspectJ provides a runtime API in the org.aspectj.* packages that can be used for just this purpose. ??? shows the package breakdown for the AspectJ runtime API.

The package structure of the AspectJ runtime API
Figure A-1. The package structure of the AspectJ runtime API

The main packages of the AspectJ runtime API contain:


Provides interfaces and support classes for discovering runtime information about join points.


Contains interfaces that provide more specialized information concerning join point signatures.

Provides interfaces to support a JVM class loader in performing load-time weaving.

This appendix focuses on the contents of org.aspectj.lang and org.aspectj.lang.reflect and gives a brief overview of each of the main components in those packages. If you want to delve into the API, then the full documentation is available within your AspectJ installation at %ASPECTJ_INSTALLATION_DIR%/doc/api/index.html.


Similar to the familiar java.lang package that conatins the most fundamental constructs for the Java language, the org.aspectj.lang package provides a set of classes for interacting with join points at the most basic and common level.

JoinPoint and JoinPoint.StaticPart

Figure A-1Figure A-1

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