
Locators in bold refer to diagrams, figures and tables

A-B stereo miking 701, 71

absorption 24, 245

absorption coefficient 25

accessories, microphone 746

accessories, studio: see studio accessories

acoustic panels 25

acoustics 21, 245, 1246, 125

actual malice (libel) 11

actuality 164

A/D (analog-to-digital) converter 42, 656

adaptive transform acoustic coding (ATRAC) 253

Adobe Audition 4754, 4850, 144, 214

ADR (automated dialogue replacement) 2035, 202

advertisements 4, 21; see also commercials

AES/EBU (Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union) 131

aesthetics, studio 267

age, target audience 3

agencies, media 5, 219

AIFF file format 111

air, dead 6, 159, 177

air personality 1, 24, 162

Akustia 65

alerts, news ...

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