This section offers abbreviated filter bank interpretations of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the discrete cosine transform (DCT). These classical block transforms were often used to achieve high-resolution frequency analysis in the early experimental transform-based audio coders (Chapter 7) that preceded the adaptive spectral entropy coding (ASPEC), and ultimately, the MPEG-1 algorithms, layers I–III (Chapter 10). For example, the FFT realization of the DFT plays an important role in layer III of MPEG-1 (MP3). The FFT is embedded in efficient realizations of both MP3 hybrid filter bank stages (pseudo-QMF and MDCT), as well as in the spectral estimation blocks of the psychoacoustic models 1 and 2 recommended in the MPEG-1 standard [ISOI92]. It can be seen that block transforms are a special case of the more general uniform-band analysis-synthesis filter bank of Figure 6.1. For example, consider the unitary DFT and its inverse [Akan92], which can be written as, respectively,
where W = ejπ/M. If the analysis filters in Eq. (6.1) all have the same length and L = 2M, then the filter bank could be interpreted as taking contiguous L sample blocks of the input and applying to each block the transform in Eq. (6.39a). Although the ...
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