Chapter 11
An Overview of the ASW Metalinguistic Resources
11.1. Introduction
The possibility of defining, developing and adapting a model of description* to the requirements of the most varied of analysts and communities of analysts is offered to us by an integrated set of metalinguistic resources which constitute the metalanguage of description of the ASW universe of discourse. Using this metalanguage, analysts can process their audiovisual objects and corpora in order to turn them into intellectual resources sui generis for specific audiences and use contexts.
In this chapter, we shall give an overall presentation of the ASW system of metalinguistic resources. Chapters 12–15 will be given over to a more detailed discussion of the various parts of this metalinguistic system.
Section 11.2 is given over to a summary presentation of the ASW system of metalinguistic resources ASA. We shall explain the main relationships between these metalinguistic resources and the working interface (of the ASW Studio).
Section 11.3 gives a brief introduction to the ASW meta-lexicon of conceptual terms, made up of two complementary conceptual vocabularies, one dedicated to the representation of the objects of analysis* and the other to the activities of analysis*.
In section 11.4, we shall give a summary presentation of another type of metalinguistic resource – the ASW thesaurus. As we saw in the previous chapters, the ASW thesaurus plays a crucial role in the procedure of controlled description. ...
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