Chapter 16

The Configurational Building Blocks of Models of Description


16.1. Introduction

In the previous chapters, we have presented the meta-lexicon of conceptual terms* in the ASW universe of discourse* and the thesaurus which provides a whole range of pre-defined values for interpreting a particular conceptual term or configuration of conceptual terms.

In this chapter, we shall discuss how the conceptual terms and the thesaurus integrate with one another to form a model of description or a library of models of description particular to a given audiovisual archive.

In section 16.2, we shall recap the concept of a model of description – a concept which we have used throughout this book.

Sections 16.3 and 16.4 are given over to a presentation of what exactly a sequence of description is. We shall also see that every sequence of description has a place in a library of sequences of description. Two important points which we shall discuss in these two sections are, firstly, the question of defining a sequence of description using a canonic pair of schemas of definition* and, secondly, that of selecting and introducing a sequence into a model of description*.

Finally, section 16.5 will again present the level of schemas of definition for a descriptive model – schemas of definition which, as we know, are divided into two major categories: schemas of definition of the objects of analysis* and schemas of definition of the activities of analysis*.

16.2. Analysis of an audiovisual text ...

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