Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


& (invoke operator), 70

! (-not) logical operator, 45

#>, for block comments, 74

# (hash mark), for comment, 74

$ (dollar sign), for variables, 21

$(), wrapping variables in, 46

$args variable, 71

% alias, for ForEach-Object cmdlet, 62. See also ForEach-Object cmdlet (% alias)

% Processor Time performance counter, 628

* (wildcard character), for like operator, 42

:: (double colon), 14

; (semicolon), for combining statements, 22

? alias. See Where-Object cmdlet (where; ? alias)

@ (at symbol), for arrays, 28

<#, for block comments, 74

[ ] (square brackets), for type literal, 24

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