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1. John Frazer, An Evolutionary Architecture,
Architectural Association (London), 1995, p 102.
2. See George M Whitesides and Bartosz Grzybowski,
‘Self-Assembly at All Scales’, Science, 295 (5564),
29 March 2002, pp 2418–21.
3. Skylar Tibbits, ‘Design to Self-Assembly’, in Achim
Menges (ed), 2 Material Computation: Higher
Integration in Morphogenetic Design, March/April (no
2), 2012, pp 68–73.
4. Skylar Tibbits, Arthur Olson and Autodesk
Inc., ‘BioMolecular Self-Assembly’, http://www.
5. Stuart A Kauffman, The Origins of Order: Self-
Organization and Selection in Evolution, Oxford
University Press (New York), 1993, p 644.
6. D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, On Growth and Form:
The Complete Revised Edition (first published 1917;
second edition 1942), Dover Publications (New York),
1992, p 16.
7. The authors would like to thank MIT Department of
Architecture, MIT International Design Center (IDC),
Autodesk Inc., Arthur Olson and the researchers at MIT’s
Self-Assembly Lab that have contributed in the presented
projects: Dimitrios Mairopoulos, Carrie McKnelly, Baily
Zuniga, Chris Martin, Hannarae Annie Nam, Christophe
Guberan, Kate Weishaar, ...

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