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1. Francisco Varela, Humberto Maturana and Ricardo Uribe, ‘Autopoiesis: the
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Biology, 5 (4), 1974, pp 187–96.
2. Kevin O’Regan, Erik Myin and Alva Noë, ‘Sensory Consciousness Explained (Better)
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3. Alva Noë, Strange Tools, Simon & Schuster (New York), 2015.
4. Renato Mirollo and Steven Strogatz, ‘Synchronization of Pulse-coupled Biological
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5. Gilbert Simondon, L’individu et sa genèse physico-biologique, PUF (Paris), 1964.
Text © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Images © Robin Meier, photos Nikolai Zheludovich.
Produced by Audemars Piguet Art Commission 2015
Synchronicity is a series of artworks including a filmed experiment
with synchronising fireflies in Thailand and a large-scale
installation where live fireflies, crickets and various objects are
synchronised with each other. Achieved by emitting specific light
patterns for the fireflies and sounds for the crickets, the work asks
the question: Can the common rules of self-organisation ...

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