Chapter 17. The Amazing Pushbutton (with Processing)

With this project, you can make colorful lines and numbers move up and down your computer screen as you press a simple pushbutton switch. To do that, this project will introduce you to Processing, a simple, easy-to-learn programming language (very much like the Arduino language) that makes it very easy to display graphics on a computer screen. When you connect an Arduino to Processing, you can make your Arduino draw on a screen!

The electronic components to build this device are shown in the Parts List. The Amazing Pushbutton is shown in Figure 17-1.

Parts List

  • Arduino microcontroller
  • MakerShield kit
  • R1: 1KΩ resistor (brown, black, red stripes)
  • PB1: pushbutton switch
  • USB cable
Figure 17-1. The ...

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