Chapter 14jQuery

What you will learn in this chapter:

  • The history of jQuery and why it is so important
  • Features available in jQuery
  • Using jQuery to work within your page
  • Deeper integration of the jQuery framework

Code Downloads for this Chapter:

The code downloads for this chapter are found at on the Download Code tab. The code is in the chapter 14 download and individually named according to the names throughout the chapter.

Earlier in the book, you were concentrating on other areas of the application that were not specific to jQuery, but you have come across some mentions of it in bits and pieces. There have been examples using jQuery to support client-side validation as well as support AJAX calls and displaying the results on the page. A jQuery UI widget was also pulled into the application so that you could invoke a date picker. This should give you an idea of how jQuery ends up being intertwined throughout the client side of a website. This chapter clarifies why jQuery is so prevalent in modern web development, and provides more exposure to the functionality that is available within the jQuery libraries.

An Introduction to JQuery

jQuery is a JavaScript library that best estimates say is now used in about two out of three websites on the Internet. It is called a JavaScript library because it is completely written in JavaScript. This enables jQuery to be used within a JavaScript method just like a core JavaScript ...

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