Chapter 6
Developing an App on iOS
In This Chapter
Understanding the lifecycle of an iOS app
Configuring your app using the built-in Settings app
Managing your app’s data using files and iOS
Using the built-in app templates in iOS
Using patterns to understand how the iOS framework works
If you were to read only one chapter in this book, this would be the one to read. Here’s why: In Chapter 1, I describe iOS and lay out the components of the iOS framework. This chapter focuses on the app and how it works. It starts with the components of an app and how they fit together and then describes how it runs and its lifecycle from start up to shutdown.
This chapter explains the capabilities iOS provides for integrating apps into the iOS ecosystem — in a sense, making the app a complete iOS citizen. Making an app complete includes, for example, integrating the app with the settings database on the device, using the Address Book, following Apple's behavior guidelines, sharing the app’s data, ...
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