© Michael Wicherski 2017

Michael Wicherski, Beginning Salesforce Developer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3300-9_4

4. Introduction to Visualforce

Michael Wicherski

(1)Los Angeles, California, USA

Congratulations on setting up your developer environment. It is now finally time for us to get our hands on some code! The next step on our journey is to learn about the markup language that Salesforce.com uses for its different views and UIs. This markup language is called Visualforce , and it is very similar to HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). If you have never heard of HTML or don’t know how to write basic HTML, don’t worry: we will be covering it in this chapter as a precursor to writing Visualforce.

Introducing MVC

MVC is short for Model,

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