© Joseph B. Ottinger and Andrew Lombardi 2019
J. B. Ottinger, A. LombardiBeginning Spring 5https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4486-9_9

9. Persistence with Spring and Spring Data

Joseph B. Ottinger1  and Andrew Lombardi2
Laguna Beach, CA, USA

In Chapter 8 we finally stopped looking at configuration and presentation mechanisms, and we looked at accessing a relational database with JdbcTemplate. In this chapter, we’re going to look at accessing data again – with a Spring project called “Spring Data,” which can provide a mostly data-agnostic view of data access.

Spring Data unifies data access for Spring, providing common access to not only different databases but different APIs – like JPA (the Java Persistence API) and our old ...

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