Chapter 5Letting the Data Speak with Unsupervised Learning


The supervised learning discussed in Chapter 3 typically requires a hypothesis and a neatly matching set of inputs and outputs. The semi-supervised learning covered in Chapter 4 relaxes some assumptions about data. The unsupervised learning (UL) discussed here and in the rest of this book does away with hypotheses, instead allowing the data to drive the analytical process.

In econometrics, a researcher dreams up a question to ask the data. The resulting question may be subjective, incomplete, outright irrelevant, or even severely biased by the researcher's own prejudice. Unsupervised learning eliminates the trickling of the researcher's personal opinions and beliefs into the analysis. Instead of waiting for the researcher's question, unsupervised learning tells the researcher what the data know. Specifically, unsupervised methods explain to the researcher the major trends in the data, the main factors driving observed behavior and the like, all at the stroke of a key on a computer keyboard.

UL is taking the industry by storm. Traditional disciplines like risk management can be improved by switching to a fast hypothesis-less environment, trusting the data to speak for themselves.

UL also comes with computational benefits: unsupervised techniques deliver results of complex mathematical analyses in a flash, all with existing computing power. The implementation of UL can reach most areas, saving corporations ...

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