Chapter 12
Advertising, Promoting, and Publicizing Your Brand
In This Chapter
Developing your brand marketing message and communication strategy
Creating ads that work to build your brand
Packaging and promoting your brand
Making and publicizing brand news
Brands need awareness like plants need water. If people don’t know about your brand or if they don’t have a clear idea about what your brand is and stands for, it will never take root in their minds, which is where brands thrive.
Chapters 10 and 11 are all about achieving awareness through digital communications by driving traffic to your website and getting active on social-media networks. This chapter guides your development of more traditional communications, including ads, direct mailers, packaging, promotions, and publicity capable of carrying your brand message into target market homes, offices, cars, mailboxes, and mobile screens.
The Power of a Strong Brand Image
When marketers talk about integrated marketing communications, they’re talking about communications that project one look, voice, and core message or brand promise ...
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