
Abacus switch:

architecture, 190193

ATM routing and concentration chip, 208211

enhanced configuration, 211220

buffered multistage concentration network, 214217

complexity comparisons, 219220

memoryless multistage concentration network, 212214

resequencing cells, 217219

input port controller (IPC), 197198

multicast contention resolution algorithm, 193197

packet switching, 220224

cell interleaving, 222224

packet interleaving, 220222

performance analysis, 198208

average delay, 203205

cell loss probability, 206208

maximum throughput, 199203

research issues, 189190

Accept pointer, input-buffered switch scheduling:

iSLIP scheme, 6062

iterative round-robin matching (iRRM), 60

Access point (AP):

SONET protocols, section access point identifier, 414417

wireless ATM (WATM) switches, 339

Access point control protocol (APCP), wireless ATM (WATM) switches, 339341

Acknowledgement (ACK) packet format, wireless ATM (WATM) switches, data link control layer, 347

Adaptive homing algorithm, wireless ATM (WATM) switches, BAHAMA wireless ATM LAN, 343

AddPrefix (X, Y, Z) algorithm, internet protocol UP) route lookups, two-trie structure, 399402

Address broadcaster (AB):

abacus switch, architecture, 191193

fault-tolerant multicast output-buffered ATM switch, fault detection, 173

multicast grouping networks (MGNs), 157160

Address copy, multicast shared-memory switch, 99101 ...

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