Creating Your Own Service

Services advertisements, such as the one we listed earlier for the Stickies application, are stored in the application’s Info.plist file, an XML-encoded file stored inside the .app wrapper. When Mac OS X registers a new application, it opens up the Info.plist file and looks for the application’s application icon, its document icons, and its Services advertisement (if it exists). This information is cached to improve performance.

Table 20-4 lists all of the fields allowed in the Services advertisement.

Table 20-4. Services advertisement fields




Name of the message to be sent.


Name of the application’s executable.


Key equivalent, if any, that the Services menu item should have.


Name that should appear in the Services menu. If you want to have a submenu, use the forward slash (/). For example, to have “equation” be a submenu of “graph”, you would use the string “graph/equation”.


Actual message that is sent to your application to cause the service to be executed. Messages are implemented with the Cocoa distributed object system.


Name of the Mach port where the message should be sent. Normally, this will be the name of your application’s “Identifier,” defined in the Application Settings tab in PB.


Pasteboard types that the method can return.


Pasteboard types that the method can send.


Numerical string that is the time, ...

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