Companies of all stages of maturity, size, and risk adversity are adopting machine learning (ML). However, many of these companies are not actually generating value from ML. In order to generate value from ML, you need to make the leap from training ML models to building and operating ML systems. Training a ML model and building a ML system are two very different activities. If training a model was akin to building a one-off airplane, then building a ML system is more like building the aircraft factory, the airports, the airline, and attendant infrastructure needed to provide an efficient air travel service. The Wright brothers may have built the first heavier-than air airplane in 1903, but it wasn’t until 1922 that the first commercial airport was opened. And it took until the 1930s until airports started to be built out around the world.
In the early 2010s, when both machine learning and deep learning exploded in popularity, many companies became what are now known as “hyper-scale AI companies”, as they built the first ML systems using massive computational and data storage infrastructure. ML systems such as Google translate, TikTok’s video recommendation engine, Uber’s taxi service, and ChatGPT were trained using vast amounts of data (petabytes using thousands of hard drives) on compute clusters with 1000s of servers. Deep learning models additionally need hardware accelerators (often graphical processing units (GPUs)) to train models, further increasing the barrier to entry for most organizations. After the models are trained, vast operational systems (including GPUs) are needed to manage the data and users so that the models can make predictions for hundreds or thousands of simultaneous users.
These ML systems, built by the hyperscale AI companies, continue to generate enormous amounts of value for both their customers and owners. Fortunately, the AI community has developed a culture of openness, and many of these companies have shared the details about how they built and operated these systems. The first company to do so in detail was Uber, who in September 2017, presented its platform for building and operating ML systems, Michelangelo. Michelangelo was a new kind of platform that managed the data and models for ML as well as the feature engineering programs that create the data for both training and predictions. They called Michelangelo’s data platform a feature store - a data platform that manages the feature data (the input data to ML models) throughout the ML lifecycle—from training models to making predictions with models. Now, in 2024, it is no exaggeration to say that all Enterprises that build and run operational ML applications at scale use a feature store to manage their data for AI. Michelangelo was more than a feature store, though, as it also includes support for storing and serving models using a model registry and model serving platform, respectively.
Naturally, many organizations have not had the same resources that were available to Uber to build equivalent ML infrastructure. Many of them have been stuck at the model training stage. Now, however, in 2024, the equivalent ML infrastructure has become accessible, in the form of open-source and serverless feature stores, vector databases, model registries, and model serving platforms. In this book, we will leverage open-source and serverless ML infrastructure platforms to build ML systems. We will learn the inner workings of the underlying ML infrastructure, but we will not build that ML infrastructure—we will not start with learning Docker, Kubernetes, and equivalent cloud infrastructure. You no longer need to build ML infrastructure to start building ML systems. Instead, we will focus on building the software programs that make up the ML system—the ML pipelines. We will work primarily in Python, making this book widely accessible for Data Scientists, ML Engineers, Architects, and Data Engineers.
From ML Models to MLOps to ML Systems
The value of a ML model is derived from the predictions it makes on new input data. In most ML courses, books, and online tutorials, you are given a static dataset and asked to train a model on some of the data and evaluate its performance using the rest of the data (the holdout data). That is, you only make a prediction once on the holdout data—your model only generates value once. Many ML educators will say something like: “we leave it as an exercise to the reader to productionize your ML model“, without defining what is involved in model productionalization. The new discipline of Machine learning operations (MLOps) attempts to fill in the gaps to productionization by defining processes for how to automate model (re-)training and deployment, and automating testing to increase your confidence in the quality of your data and models. This book fills in the gaps by making the leap from MLOps to building ML systems. We will define the principles of MLOps (automated testing, versioning, and monitoring), and apply those principles in many examples throughout the book. In contrast to much existing literature on MLOps, we will not cover low-level technologies for building ML infrastructure, such as Docker and Terraform. Instead, what we will coverthe programs that make up ML systems, the ML pipelines, and the ML infrastructure they will run on in detail.
Supervised learning primer and what is a feature anyway?
In this book, we will frequently refer to concepts from supervised learning. This section is a brief introduction to those concepts that you may safely skip if you already know them.
Machine learning is concerned with making accurate predictions. Features are measurable properties of entities that we can use to make predictions. For example, if we want to predict if a piece of fruit is an apple or an orange (apple or orange is the fruit’s label), we could use the fruit’s color as a feature to help us predict the correct class of fruit, see figure 1. This is a classification problem: given examples of fruit along with their color and label, we want to classify a fruit as either an apple or orange using the color feature. As we are only considering 2 classes of fruit, we can call this a binary classification problem.
The fruit’s color is a good feature to distinguish apples from oranges, because oranges do not tend to be green and apples do not tend to be orange in color. Weight, in contrast, is not a good feature as it is not predictive of whether the fruit is an apple or an orange. “Roundness” of the fruit could be a good feature, but it is not easy to measure—a feature should be a measurable property.
A supervised learning algorithm trains a machine learning model (often abbreviated to just ‘model’), using lots of examples of apples and oranges along with the color of each apple and orange, to predict the label “Apple” or “Orange” for new pieces of fruit using only the new fruit’s color. However, color is a single value but rather measured as 3 separate values, one value for each of the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels. As our apples and oranges typically have ‘0’ for the blue channel, we can ignore the blue channel, leaving us with two features: the red and green channel values. In figure 2, we can see some examples of apples (green circles) and oranges (orange crosses), with the red channel value plotted on the x-axis and the green channel value plotted on the y-axis. We can see that an almost straight line can separate most of the apples from the oranges. This line is called the decision boundary and we can compute it with a linear model that minimizes the distance between the straight line and all of the circles and crosses plotted in the diagram. The decision boundary that we learnt from the data is most commonly called the (trained) model.
The model can then be used to classify a new piece of a fruit as either an apple or orange using its red and green channel values. If the fruit’s red and green channel values place it on the left of the line, then it is an apple, otherwise it is an orange.
In figure 2, you can also see there are a small number of oranges that are not correctly classified by the decision boundary. Our model could wrongly predict that an orange is an apple. However, if the model predicts the fruit is an orange, it will be correct - the fruit will be an orange. We can say that the model’s precision is 100% for oranges, but is less than 100% for apples.
Another way to look at the model’s performance is to consider if the model predicts it is an apple, and it is an apple - it will not be wrong. However, the model will not always predict the fruit is an orange if the fruit is an orange. That is, the model’s recall is 100% for apples. But if the model predicts an orange, it’s recall is less than 100%. In machine learning, we often combine precision and recall in a single value called the F1 Score, that can be used as one measure of the model’s performance. The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and a value of 1.0 indicates perfect precision and recall for the model. Precision, recall, and F1 scores are model performance measures for classification problems.
Let’s complicate this simple model. What if we add red apples into the mix? Now, we want our model to classify whether the fruit is an apple or orange - but we will have both red and green apples, see figure 3.
We can see that red apples also have zero for the blue channel, so we can ignore that feature. However, in figure 4, we can see that the red examples are located in the bottom right hand corner of our chart, and our model (a linear decision boundary) is broken—it would predict that red apples are oranges. Our model’s precision and recall is now much worse.
Our fruit classifier used examples of features and labels (apples or oranges) to train a model (as a decision boundary). However, machine learning is not just used for classification problems. It is also used to predict numerical values—regression problems. An example of a regression problem would be to estimate the weight of an apple. For the regression problem of predicting the weight of an apple, two useful features could be its diameter, and its green color channel value—dark green apples are heavier than light green and red apples. The apple’s weight is called the target variable (we typically use the term label for classification problems and target in regression problems).
For this regression problem, a supervised learning model could be trained using examples of apples along with their green color channel value, diameter, and weight. For new apples (not seen during training), our model, see figure 5, can predict the fruit’s weight using its type, red channel value, green channel value, and diameter.
In this regression example, we don’t technically need the full power of supervised learning yet—a simple linear model will work well. We can fit a straight line (that predicts an apple’s weight using its green channel value and diameter) to the data points by drawing the line on the chart such that it minimizes the distance between the line and the data points (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5). For example, a common technique is to sum together the distance between all the data points and the line in the mean absolute error (MAE). We take the absolute value of the distance of the data points to the line, because if we didn’t take the absolute value then the distance for X1 would be negative and the distance for X2 would be positive, canceling each other out. Sometimes, we have data points that are very far from the line, and we want the model to have a larger error for those outliers—we want the model to perform better for outliers. For this, we can sum the square of distances and then take the square root of the total. This is called the root mean-squared error (RMSE). The MAE and RMSE are both metrics used to help fit our linear regression model, but also to evaluate the performance of our regression model. Similar to our earlier classification example, if we introduce more features to improve the performance of our regression model, we will have to upgrade from our linear regression model to use a supervised learning regression model that can perform better by learning non-linear relationships between the features and the target.
Now that we have introduced supervised learning to solve classification and regression problems, we can claim that supervised learning is concerned with extracting a pattern from data (features and labels/targets) to a model, where the model’s value is that it can used to perform inference (make predictions) on new (unlabeled) data points (using only feature values). If the model performs well on the new data points (that were not seen during training), we say the model has good generalization performance. We will later see that we always hold back some example data points during model training (a test set of examples that we don’t train the model on), so that we can evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data.
Now we have introduced the core concepts in supervised learning1, let’s look at where the data used to train our models comes from as well as the data that the model will make predictions with.
The source code for the supervised training of our fruit classifier is available on the book’s github repository in chapter one. If you are new to machine learning it is a good exercise to run and understand this code.
1 The source code for the supervised training of our fruit classifier is available on the book’s github repository in chapter one. If you are new to machine learning it is a good exercise to run and understand this code.
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