© Philip Japikse, Kevin Grossnicklaus and Ben Dewey 2017

Philip Japikse, Kevin Grossnicklaus and Ben Dewey, Building Web Applications with Visual Studio 2017, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2478-6_6

6. JavaScript Application Tools

Philip Japikse, Kevin Grossnicklaus2 and Ben Dewey3

(1)West Chester, Ohio, USA

(2)Ellisville, Missouri, USA

(3)Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Since the beginning of the Internet, web sites have been based on two components, the server and the client. While the server-side is, and has been, managed by numerous frameworks and languages, the client side has predominately been dominated by JavaScript. In 2009, Node.js ( http://nodejs.org ) was written as a framework for creating I/O optimized applications, such as web servers, ...

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