tags (XML), 36. See also XML
targeted chains, 237
TC (Technical Committee), 709
tcpmon, 303–304
Technical Committee (TC), 709
technology mapping, 685–690
temporary tickets, 493
termination (WS-Resource), 435–441
analyzer tool, 667–671
SOA, 697–698
stubs, 255
Web services, 687
WS-I Test Tools, 663–666
XML, 105–107
text (XML)
associating schemas, 54–55
complex types (schemas), 59–62
data-centric, 33–34
document lifetimes, 34–35
document-centric, 32
DOM, 91–96
global attributes/elements, 63
JAXB, 96–104
namespaces, 44–51
processing, 78–85
reusability (schemas), 64–78
SAX, 85–91
simple types (schemas), 55–59
testing, 105–107
TGT (ticket-granting ticket), 455
ticket-granting ticket (TGT), 455
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