
ACI. See Apple Cloud Infrastructure

AI. See Artificial intelligence

Air-gapping, 40

Airplanes, innovations in

airframes, 148151

powerplants, 151152

Alderman, Leonard, 75

Alexa, 78

Alibaba, 68

Altcoin, 25, 31

Alternative energy, 119

geothermal energy, 128129

hydrogen, 124126

nuclear, 129132

solar energy, 120124

storage, distribution and management, 132133

tidal and wave energy, 127128

wind energy, 126127

Altspace VR, 98

Amazon Web Services (AWS), 68

André, Jean Claude, 115

ANNs. See Artificial neural networks

Apple Cloud Infrastructure (ACI), 69

AR. See Augmented reality

Artificial intelligence (AI), 169

courses and certification, 8082

definition, 77

and human labor, issues with, 80

machine learning, 79

types, 7779

uses of,

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