Chapter 13
Developing the Brand of You
In This Chapter
Defining a valuable brand
Coaching with authenticity
Realising your true worth
In this chapter, we explore the characteristics and mind-sets that enabled individuals, such as Victoria Beckham and her equally successful husband David Beckham, to build a personal brand worth millions.
In Chapter 8, we explore how to define your values and purpose. In this chapter, we explore these subjects at a deeper level.
Enter Personal Branding
A brand is a ‘promise to deliver’. It’s like a bank note that promises to pay the bearer the value on the note; it’s only worth the face value if people trust that it will be honoured.
Business brands have generated considerable significance and interest in the 21st century. Who could have guessed 100 years ago that today one of the top 20 brands in the world, ranked number 7 with an estimated brand value of just under £5.6 billion, would be a luxury clothing and leather goods retailer? Burberry sells luxury goods, and although it may be one of the most counterfeited brands in the world, its story of exclusivity and quality keeps it in the top-20-brand list. However, although its work to challenge ...
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