Chapter 21
Utilizing Virtualized Sales Processes
In This Chapter
Seeing how the Internet ruined traditional sales processes
Using a sales virtualization process to leverage, not fight, the Internet
Creating your own virtualized sales process
A virtualized sales process leverages recent technological advances, particularly the Internet, to make the sales process more cost effective and productive. The process of sales virtualization began with the printing press. Prior to Gutenberg, the only way to entice a buyer was face to face. The printing press allowed merchants to create sales messages and transfer some of the in-person selling to the printed word. The telephone provided even more sales virtualization by allowing in-person selling to be performed over phone wires. Corporations set up massive appointment setting and telemarketing staffs to capitalize on the savings and increased productivity this virtualization provided.
The Internet and all its related sales tools — e-mail, video streaming, podcasts, search engines, websites, RSS, and webinars — provide the opportunity to dramatically transform sales processes.
In Chapter 9 I tell you that the sales performance model significantly ...
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