Chapter 13

Writing and the Independent Worker


check Using the tools of persuasion

check Introducing yourself and selling your services

check Writing tough messages to clients

check Communicating in the virtual environment

check Achieving media coverage

Today, whether you are an employee, business owner, consultant, or freelancer, building a full range of communication platforms supports your success. More people than ever practice a suite of ways to earn a living, and over time may move fluidly from colocation to virtual office or in-house position to independent status and back. People who hold steady jobs need to keep selling their savvy to stay employed and win what they want. And plenty of people dream that their basement tinkering will skyrocket into a big-time business overnight, or soon thereafter.

The idea of adopting the entrepreneur’s mindset is introduced in Chapter 7, which covers creating business documents such as reports, proposals, and the always-useful executive summary. This chapter ...

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