17.11. Granting/Revoking Access to a File or Registry Key
You need to change the security privileges of either a file or registry key programmatically.
The code shown in Example 17-13 grants and then revokes the ability to perform write actions on a registry key.
Example 17-13. Granting and revoking the right to perform write actions on a registry key
public static void GrantRevokeRegKeyRights() { NTAccount user = new NTAccount(@"WRKSTN\ST"); using (RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SOFTWARE\MyCompany\MyApp")) { GrantRegKeyRights(regKey, user, RegistryRights.WriteKey, InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None, AccessControlType.Allow); RevokeRegKeyRights(regKey, user, RegistryRights.WriteKey, InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None, AccessControlType.Allow) } } public static void GrantRegKeyRights(RegistryKey regKey, NTAccount user, RegistryRights rightsFlags, InheritanceFlags inherFlags, PropagationFlags propFlags, AccessControlType actFlags) { Registry Security regSecurity = regKey.GetAccessControl(); RegistryAccessRule rule = new RegistryAccessRule(user, rightsFlags, inherFlags, propFlags, actFlags); regSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule); regKey.SetAccessControl(regSecurity); } public static void RevokeRegKeyRights(RegistryKey regKey, NTAccount user, RegistryRights rightsFlags, InheritanceFlags inherFlags, PropagationFlags propFlags, AccessControlType actFlags) { RegistrySecurity regSecurity = regKey.GetAccessControl(); RegistryAccessRule ...
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