10.7. Creating an n-ary Tree


You need a tree that can store a number of child nodes in each of its nodes. A binary tree would work if each node needs to have only two children, but, in this case, each node needs to have a fixed number of child nodes greater than two.


Use the following NTree class to create the root node for the n-ary tree:

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class NTree
    public NTree( ) 
        maxChildren = int.MaxValue;

    public NTree(int maxNumChildren) 
        maxChildren = maxNumChildren;

    // The root node of the tree
    protected NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode root = null;
    // The maximum number of child nodes that a parent node may contain
    protected int maxChildren = 0;

    public void AddRoot(NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode node)
        root = node;

    public NTreeNodeFactory.NTreeNode GetRoot( )
        return (root);

    public int MaxChildren
        get {return (maxChildren);}

The methods defined in Table 10-6 are of particular interest to using an NTree object.

Table 10-6. Members of the NTree class



Overloaded constructor

This constructor creates an NTree object. Its syntax is:

NTree(int maxNumChildren)

where maxNumChildren is the maximum number of children that one node may have at any time.

MaxChildren property

A read-only property to retrieve the maximum number of children any node may have. Its syntax is:

int MaxChildren {get;}

The value this property returns is set in the constructor.

AddRoot method

Adds a node to the tree. Its syntax ...

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