Chapter 6. Automate Experiments to Run Continuously
Automation is the longest lever. In the practice of Chaos Engineering, we automate the execution of experiments, the analysis of experimental results, and aspire to automate the creation of new experiments.
Automatically Executing Experiments
Doing things manually and performing one-off experiments are great first steps. As we conjure up new ways to search the failure space we frequently begin with a manual approach, handling everything with kid gloves to gain confidence in both the experiment and the system. All stakeholders are gathered, and a heads-up is broadcast to CORE1 that a new kind of experiment is going to begin.
This apprehension and extreme level of care is appropriate to establish a) the experiment runs correctly and b) the experiment has a minimal blast radius. Once we have successfully conducted the experiment, the next step is to automate the experiment to run continuously.
If experimentation is not automated, it is obsolescent.
The intractable complexity of modern systems means that we cannot know a priori which changes to the production environment will alter the results of a chaos experiment. Since we can’t know which changes can impact our experiments, we have to assume they all do. Through shared state, caching, dynamic configuration management, continuous delivery, autoscaling, and time-aware code, production is in a perpetual state of change. As a result, the confidence in a result decays with time.
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