

  1. accessories

    1. about 128129

    2. hats, headdresses 129f139f, 300, 301f312f

    3. holding 143f148f

  2. acrylics 194, 228

  3. action

    1. see also dance, figures in
    2. contoured figures 2526

    3. in costume design 160161

    4. and garments, textures 58, 59f66f

    5. stick figures in 2324, 23f24f

  4. action line see centerline

  5. adolescents see youths’ faces, body types

  6. African faces 81f, 83f, 83t

  7. After the Fall 218f

  8. Alice Experiments in Wonderland 426f430f

  9. Amadeus 127f, 403f406f

    1. animal characters

    2. actors using 159

    3. in Alice Experiments in Wonderland 426f427f, 429f

    4. constructing 300

    5. in Frog and Toad 414f416f

    6. in The House at Pooh Corner 349f357f

    7. in Just So 301f305f

    8. in Shrek 416f, 419f420f

    9. in Sideshow 423f424f

  10. ankle bones 149, 161

  11. arch lines 149150, 149f

  12. arms

    1. and body ...

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