© Mohamed Aly Bouke 2023
M. A. BoukeCISSP Exam Certification CompanionCertification Study Companion Serieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/979-8-8688-0057-3_2

2. Decoding the CISSP Exam: Understanding Format and Content

Mohamed Aly Bouke1  
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Welcome to Chapter 2, a crucial phase of your CISSP certification journey. This chapter is your road map to understanding the CISSP exam’s intricacies, structure, and content, all essential for adequate preparation.

Our exploration begins with a detailed look at the CISSP exam format, which employs a unique methodology known as the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) system. We will break down the mechanics of this testing format and shed light on how it personalizes your exam experience. ...

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