
This section contains the answers to the exercises and the Chapter review section in this chapter.

Exercise 10-1

The missing bits are 1, 0, 0 P, 1, and 0 from top to bottom.

Exercise 10-2

Click Start | Control Panel | User Accounts and Family Safety | User Accounts | Manage Accounts | Create New Account.

Figure 10-10 shows the dialog box to create a new standard user account with a lower level of privilege, or an Administrator account with a heightened level of privilege.

The figure shows the Create New User dialog box with Name The Account And Choose An Account Type at the top. In the name field, the name BoBo is entered. There are two radio buttons, Standard User (which is selected), and Administrator. At the bottom of the dialog box are two buttons, Create Account and Cancel.

Figure 10-10. The Create New User dialog box

Enter a user name, leave Standard User selected, and then click the Create Account button.

In Control Panel, click the new standard ...

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