Chapter 4. Working with Kubernetes Objects
I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.
John Cage
In Chapter 2, you built and deployed an application to Kubernetes. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the fundamental Kubernetes objects involved in that process: Pods, Deployments, and Services. You’ll also find out how to use the essential Helm tool to manage applications in Kubernetes.
After working through the example in “Running the Demo App”, you should have a container image running in the Kubernetes cluster, but how does that actually work? Under the hood, the kubectl run
command creates a Kubernetes resource called a Deployment. So what’s that? And how does a Deployment actually run your container image?
Think back to how you ran the demo app with Docker. The docker container run
command started the container, and it ran until you killed it with docker stop
But suppose that the container exits for some other reason: maybe the program crashed, or there was a system error, or your machine ran out of disk space, or a cosmic ray hit your CPU at the wrong moment (unlikely, but it does happen). Assuming this is a production application, that means you now have unhappy users, until someone can get to a terminal and type docker container run
to start the container again.
That’s an unsatisfactory arrangement. What you really want is a kind of supervisor program that continually checks that the container is running, and, if it ever stops, starts it again immediately. On traditional servers, you can use a tool like systemd
, runit
, or supervisord
to do this; Docker has something similar, and you won’t be surprised to know that Kubernetes has a supervisor feature too: the Deployment.
Supervising and Scheduling
For each program that Kubernetes has to supervise, it creates a corresponding Deployment object, which records some information about the program: the name of the container image, the number of replicas you want to run, and whatever else it needs to know to start the container.
Working together with the Deployment resource is a kind of Kubernetes component called a controller. Controllers are basically pieces of code that run continuously in a loop, and watch the resources that they’re responsible for, making sure they’re present and working. If a given Deployment isn’t running enough replicas, for whatever reason, the controller will create some new ones. (If there were too many replicas for some reason, the controller would shut down the excess ones. Either way, the controller makes sure that the real state matches the desired state.)
Actually, a Deployment doesn’t manage replicas directly: instead, it automatically creates an associated object called a ReplicaSet, which handles that. We’ll talk more about ReplicaSets in a moment in “ReplicaSets”, but since you generally interact only with Deployments, let’s get more familiar with them first.
Restarting Containers
At first sight, the way Deployments behave might be a little surprising. If your container finishes its work and exits, the Deployment will restart it. If it crashes, or if you kill it with a signal, or terminate it with kubectl
, the Deployment will restart it. (This is how you should think about it conceptually; the reality is a little more complicated, as we’ll see.)
Most Kubernetes applications are designed to be long-running and reliable, so this behavior makes sense: containers can exit for all sorts of reasons, and in most cases all a human operator would do is restart them, so that’s what Kubernetes does by default.
It’s possible to change this policy for an individual container: for example, to never restart it, or to restart it only on failure, not if it exited normally (see “Restart Policies”). However, the default behavior (restart always) is usually what you want.
A Deployment’s job is to watch its associated containers and make sure that the specified number of them is always running. If there are fewer, it will start more. If there are too many, it will terminate some. This is much more powerful and flexible than a traditional supervisor-type program.
Creating Deployments
Go ahead and create a Deployment using our demo container image in your local Kubernetes environment so we can dive into how they work:
kubectl create deployment demo --image=cloudnatived/demo:hello
deployment.apps/demo created
You can see all the Deployments active in your current namespace (see “Using Namespaces”) by running the following command:
kubectl get deployments
demo 1/1 1 1 37s
To get more detailed information on this specific Deployment, run the following command:
kubectl describe deployments/demo
Name: demo
Namespace: default
Labels: app=demo
Annotations: 1
Selector: app=demo
As you can see, there’s a lot of information here, most of which isn’t important for now. Let’s look more closely at the Pod Template
section, though:
Pod Template:
Labels: app=demo
Image: cloudnatived/demo:hello
Port: <none>
Host Port: <none>
Environment: <none>
Mounts: <none>
Volumes: <none>
You know that a Deployment contains the information Kubernetes needs to run the container, and here it is. But what’s a Pod Template? Actually, before we answer that, what’s a Pod?
A Pod is the Kubernetes object that represents a group of one or more containers (pod is also the name for a group of whales, which fits in with the vaguely seafaring flavor of Kubernetes metaphors).
Why doesn’t a Deployment just manage an individual container directly? The answer is that sometimes a set of containers needs to be scheduled together, running on the same node, and communicating locally, perhaps sharing storage. This is where Kubernetes starts to grow beyond simply running containers directly on a host using something like Docker. It manages entire combinations of containers, their configuration, and storage, etc. across a cluster of nodes.
For example, a blog application might have one container that syncs content with a Git repository, and an NGINX web server container that serves the blog content to users. Since they share data, the two containers need to be scheduled together in a Pod. In practice, though, many Pods only have one container, as in this case. (See “What Belongs in a Pod?” for more about this.)
So a Pod specification (spec for short) has a list of containers
, and in our example there is only one container, demo
Image: cloudnatived/demo:hello
The Image
spec is our demo Docker container image from Docker Hub, which is all the information a Kubernetes Deployment needs to start the Pod and keep it running.
And that’s an important point. The kubectl create deployment
command didn’t actually create the Pod directly. Instead it created a Deployment, and then the Deployment created a ReplicaSet, which created the Pod. The Deployment is a declaration of your desired state: “A Pod should be running with the demo
container inside it.”
Deployments don’t manage Pods directly. That’s the job of the ReplicaSet object.
A ReplicaSet is responsible for a group of identical Pods, or replicas. If there are too few (or too many) Pods, compared to the specification, the ReplicaSet controller will start (or stop) some Pods to rectify the situation.
Deployments, in turn, manage ReplicaSets, and control how the replicas behave when you update them—by rolling out a new version of your application, for example (see “Deployment Strategies”). When you update the Deployment, a new ReplicaSet is created to manage the new Pods, and when the update is completed, the old ReplicaSet and its Pods are terminated.
In Figure 4-1, each ReplicaSet (V1, V2, V3) represents a different version of the application, with its corresponding Pods.
Usually, you won’t interact with ReplicaSets directly, since Deployments do the work for you—but it’s useful to know what they are.
Maintaining Desired State
Kubernetes controllers continually check the desired state specified by each resource against the actual state of the cluster, and make any necessary adjustments to keep them in sync. This process is called the reconciliation loop, because it loops forever, trying to reconcile the actual state with the desired state.
For example, when you first create the demo
Deployment, there is no demo
Pod running. So Kubernetes will start the required Pod immediately. If it ever stops, Kubernetes will start it again, so long as the Deployment still exists.
Let’s verify that right now by removing the Pod manually. First, check that the Pod is indeed running:
kubectl get pods --selector app=demo
demo-794889fc8d-5ddsg 1/1 Running 0 33s
Note that the name of the Pod will be unique for you. You can also see the ReplicaSet that created this Pod by running:
kubectl get replicaset --selector app=demo
demo-794889fc8d 1 1 1 64s
See how the ReplicaSet has a randomly generated ID that matches the beginning part of the demo Pod name above? In this example, the demo-794889fc8d
ReplicaSet created one Pod named demo-794889fc8d-5ddsg
Now, run the following command to remove the Pod:
kubectl delete pods --selector app=demo
pod "demo-794889fc8d-bdbcp" deleted
List the Pods again:
kubectl get pods --selector app=demo
demo-794889fc8d-qbcxm 1/1 Running 0 5s
demo-794889fc8d-bdbcp 0/1 Terminating 0 1h
You may catch the original Pod shutting down (its status is Terminating
), but it’s already been replaced by a new Pod, which is only five seconds old. You can also see that the new Pod has the same ReplicaSet, demo-794889fc8d
, but a new unique Pod name demo-794889fc8d-qbcxm
. That’s the reconciliation loop at work.
You told Kubernetes, by means of the Deployment you created, that the demo
Pod should always be running one replica. It takes you at your word, and even if you delete the Pod yourself, Kubernetes assumes you must have made a mistake, and helpfully starts a new Pod to replace it for you.
Once you’ve finished experimenting with the Deployment, shut it down and clean up using the following command:
kubectl delete all --selector app=demo
pod "demo-794889fc8d-qbcxm" deleted
deployment.apps "demo" deleted
replicaset.apps "demo-794889fc8d" deleted
The Kubernetes Scheduler
We’ve said things like the Deployment will create Pods and Kubernetes will start the required Pod, without really explaining how that happens.
The Kubernetes scheduler is the component responsible for this part of the process. When a Deployment (via its associated ReplicaSet) decides that a new replica is needed, it creates a Pod resource in the Kubernetes database. Simultaneously, this Pod is added to a queue, which is like the scheduler’s inbox.
The scheduler’s job is to watch its queue of unscheduled Pods, grab the next Pod from it, and find a node to run it on. It will use a few different criteria, including the Pod’s resource requests, to choose a suitable node, assuming there is one available (we’ll talk more about this process in Chapter 5).
Once the Pod has been scheduled on a node, the kubelet running on that node picks it up and takes care of actually starting its containers (see “Node Components”).
When you deleted a Pod in “Maintaining Desired State”, it was the ReplicaSet that spotted this and started a replacement. It knows that a demo
Pod should be running on its node, and if it doesn’t find one, it will start one. (What would happen if you shut the node down altogether? Its Pods would become unscheduled and go back into the scheduler’s queue, to be reassigned to other nodes.)
Stripe engineer Julia Evans has written a delightfully clear explanation of how scheduling works in Kubernetes.
Resource Manifests in YAML Format
Now that you know how to run an application in Kubernetes, is that it? Are you done? Not quite. Using the kubectl create
command to create a Deployment is useful, but limited. Suppose that you want to change something about the Deployment spec: the image name or version, say. You could delete the existing Deployment (using kubectl delete
) and create a new one with the right fields. But let’s see if we can do better.
Because Kubernetes is inherently a declarative system, continuously reconciling actual state with desired state, all you need to do is change the desired state—the Deployment spec—and Kubernetes will do the rest. How do you do that?
Resources Are Data
All Kubernetes resources, such as Deployments or Pods, are represented by records in its internal database. The reconciliation loop watches the database for any changes to those records, and takes the appropriate action. In fact, all the kubectl create
command does is add a new record in the database corresponding to a Deployment, and Kubernetes does the rest.
But you don’t need to use kubectl create
in order to interact with Kubernetes. You can also create and edit the resource manifest (the specification for the desired state of the resource) directly. You can (and should) keep the manifest file in a version control system, and instead of running imperative commands to make on-the-fly changes, you can change your manifest files and then tell Kubernetes to read the updated data.
Deployment Manifests
The usual format for Kubernetes manifest files is YAML, although it can also understand the JSON format. So what does the YAML manifest for a Deployment look like?
Have a look at our example for the demo application (hello-k8s/k8s/deployment.yaml):
At first glance, this looks complicated, but it’s mostly boilerplate. The only interesting parts are the same information that you’ve already seen in various forms: the container image name and port. When you gave this information to kubectl create
earlier, it created the equivalent of this YAML manifest behind the scenes and submitted it to Kubernetes.
Using kubectl apply
To use the full power of Kubernetes as a declarative infrastructure as code system, submit YAML manifests to the cluster yourself, using the kubectl apply
Try it with our example Deployment manifest, hello-k8s/k8s/deployment.yaml in the demo repository.1
Run the following commands in your cloned copy of the demo repo:
cd hello-k8s
kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
deployment.apps "demo" created
After a few seconds, a demo
Pod should be running:
kubectl get pods --selector app=demo
demo-c77cc8d6f-nc6fm 1/1 Running 0 13s
We’re not quite done, though, because in order to connect to the demo
Pod with a web browser, we’re going to create a Service, which is a Kubernetes resource that lets you connect to your deployed Pods (more on this in a moment).
First, let’s explore what a Service is, and why we need one.
Service Resources
Suppose you want to make a network connection to a Pod (such as our example application). How do you do that? You could find out the Pod’s IP address and connect directly to that address and the app’s port number. But the IP address may change when the Pod is restarted, so you’ll have to keep looking it up to make sure it’s up-to-date.
Worse, there may be multiple replicas of the Pod, each with different addresses. Every other application that needs to contact the Pod would have to maintain a list of those addresses, which doesn’t sound like a great idea.
Fortunately, there’s a better way: a Service resource gives you a single, unchanging IP address or DNS name that will be automatically routed to any matching Pod. Later on in “Ingress”, we will talk about the Ingress resource, which allows for more advanced routing and using TLS certificates.
But for now, let’s take a closer look at how a Kubernetes Service works.
You can think of a Service as being like a web proxy or a load balancer, forwarding requests to a set of backend Pods (Figure 4-2). However, it isn’t restricted to web ports: a Service can forward traffic from any port to any other port, as detailed in the ports
part of the spec.
Here’s the YAML manifest of the Service for our demo app:
You can see that it looks somewhat similar to the Deployment resource we showed earlier. However, the kind
is Service
, instead of Deployment
, and the spec
just includes a list of ports
, plus a selector
and a type
If you zoom in a little, you can see that the Service is forwarding its port 8888 to the Pod’s port 8888:
The selector
is the part that tells the Service how to route requests to particular Pods. Requests will be forwarded to any Pods matching the specified set of labels; in this case, just app: demo
(see “Labels”). In our example, there’s only one Pod that matches, but if there were multiple Pods, the Service would send each request to a randomly selected one.2
In this respect, a Kubernetes Service is a little like a traditional load balancer, and, in fact, both Services and Ingresses can automatically create cloud load balancers (see “Ingress”).
For now, the main thing to remember is that a Deployment manages a set of Pods for your application, and a Service gives you a single entry point for requests to those Pods.
Go ahead and apply the manifest now, to create the Service:
kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml
service "demo" created
kubectl port-forward service/demo 9999:8888
Forwarding from -> 8888
Forwarding from [::1]:9999 -> 8888
As before, kubectl port-forward
will connect the demo
pod to a port on your local machine so that you can connect to http://localhost:9999/ with your web browser.
Once you’re satisfied that everything is working correctly, run the following command to clean up before moving on to the next section:
kubectl delete -f k8s/
deployment.apps "demo" deleted
service "demo" deleted
You can use kubectl delete
with a label selector, as we did earlier on, to delete all resources that match the selector (see “Labels”). Alternatively, you can use kubectl delete -f
, as here, with a directory of manifests. All the resources described by the manifest files will be deleted.
Querying the Cluster with kubectl
The kubectl
tool is the Swiss Army knife of Kubernetes: it applies configuration, creates, modifies, and destroys resources, and can also query the cluster for information about the resources that exist, as well as their status.
We’ve already seen how to use kubectl get
to query Pods and Deployments. You can also use it to see what nodes exist in your cluster.
If you are running minikube, it should look something like this:
kubectl get nodes
minikube Ready control-plane,master 17d v1.21.2
If you want to see resources of all types, use kubectl get all
. (In fact, this doesn’t show literally all resources, just the most common types, but we won’t quibble about that for now.)
To see comprehensive information about an individual Pod (or any other resource), use kubectl describe
kubectl describe pod/demo-dev-6c96484c48-69vss
Name: demo-794889fc8d-7frgb
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
Node: minikube/
Start Time: Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:21:25 -0700
Container ID: docker://646aaf7c4baf6d...
Image: cloudnatived/demo:hello
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 1d default-scheduler Successfully assigned demo-dev...
Normal Pulling 1d kubelet pulling image "cloudnatived/demo...
In the example output, you can see that kubectl
gives you some basic information about the container itself, including its image identifier and status, along with an ordered list of events that have happened to the container. (We’ll learn a lot more about the power of kubectl
in Chapter 7.)
Taking Resources to the Next Level
You now know everything you need to know to deploy applications to Kubernetes clusters using declarative YAML manifests. But there’s a lot of repetition in these files: for example, you’ve repeated the name demo
, the label selector app: demo
, and the port 8888
several times.
Shouldn’t you be able to just specify those values once, and then reference them wherever they occur through the Kubernetes manifests?
For example, it would be great to be able to define variables called something like
and container.port
, and then use them wherever they’re needed in the YAML files. Then, if you needed to change the name of the app or the port number it listens on, you’d only have to change them in one place, and all the manifests would be updated automatically.
Fortunately, there’s a tool for that, and in the final section of this chapter we’ll show you a little of what it can do.
Helm: A Kubernetes Package Manager
One popular package manager for Kubernetes is called Helm, and it works just the way we’ve described in the previous section. You can use the helm
command-line tool to install and configure applications (your own or anyone else’s), and you can create packages called Helm charts, which completely specify the resources needed to run the application, its dependencies, and its configurable settings.
Helm is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation family of projects (see “Cloud Native”), which reflects its stability and widespread adoption.
It’s important to realize that a Helm chart, unlike the binary software packages used by tools like APT or Yum, doesn’t actually include the container image itself. Instead, it simply contains metadata about where the image can be found, just as a Kubernetes Deployment does.
When you install the chart, Kubernetes itself will locate and download the binary container image from the place you specified. In fact, a Helm chart is really just a convenient wrapper around Kubernetes YAML manifests.
Installing Helm
Follow the Helm installation instructions for your operating system.
To verify that Helm is installed and working, run:
helm version
Once this command succeeds, you’re ready to start using Helm.
Installing a Helm Chart
What would the Helm chart for our demo application look like? In the hello-helm3 directory, you’ll see a k8s subdirectory, which in the previous example (hello-k8s
) contained just the Kubernetes manifest files to deploy the application. Now it contains a Helm chart, in the demo directory:
ls k8s/demo
Chart.yaml production-values.yaml staging-values.yaml templates values.yaml
We’ll see what all these files are for in “What’s Inside a Helm Chart?”, but for now, let’s use Helm to install the demo application. First, clean up the resources from any previous deployments:
kubectl delete all --selector app=demo
Then run the following command:
helm upgrade --install demo ./k8s/demo
NAME: demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Aug 2 13:37:21 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
If you use your kubectl get deployment
and kubectl get service
commands that you learned earlier, you will see that Helm has created a Deployment resource (which starts a Pod) and a Service, just as in the previous examples. The helm upgrade --install
command also creates a Kubernetes Secret with a Type of
to track the release.
Charts, Repositories, and Releases
These are the three most important Helm terms you need to know:
A chart is a Helm package, containing all the resource definitions necessary to run an application in Kubernetes.
A repository is a place where charts can be collected and shared.
A release is a particular instance of a chart running in a Kubernetes cluster.
There are some parallels with Helm resources to Docker containers:
A Helm repository is a server where charts are stored and downloaded from clients, similar to how a container registry stores and serves container images, like Docker Hub.
A Helm release is when a chart is installed into a cluster, much like when a published Docker image is launched as a running container.
Helm charts can be downloaded and installed from repository servers, or installed directly by pointing to a local path of a directory containing the Helm YAML files on the filesystem.
One chart can be installed many times into the same cluster. For example, you might be running multiple copies of the Redis chart for various applications, each serving as a backend for different websites. Each separate instance of the Helm chart is a distinct release.
You may also want to centrally install something in your cluster used by all of your apps, like Prometheus for centralized monitoring, or the NGINX Ingress Controller for handling incoming web requests.
Listing Helm Releases
To check what releases you have running at any time, run helm list
helm list
demo default 1 ... deployed demo-1.0.1
To see the exact status of a particular release, run helm status
followed by the name of the release. You’ll see the same information that you did when you first deployed the release.
Later in the book, we’ll show you how to build your own Helm charts for your applications (see “What’s Inside a Helm Chart?”). For now, just know that Helm is a handy way to install applications from public charts.
Many popular applications are hosted in various Helm repositories and maintained by the package providers. You can add Helm repositories and install their charts, and you can also host and publish your own Helm charts for your own applications.
You can see many examples of popular Helm charts hosted on Artifact Hub, another CNCF project.
This is primarily a book about using Kubernetes, not diving deep into the details of how Kubernetes works. Our aim is to show you what Kubernetes can do, and bring you quickly to the point where you can run real workloads in production. However, it’s useful to know at least some of the main pieces of machinery you’ll be working with, such as Pods and Deployments. In this chapter, we’ve briefly introduced some of the most important ones. We also recommend Managing Kubernetes, Production Kubernetes, and the Kubernetes the Hard Way repo for those looking to get more familiar with what is going on under the hood.
As fascinating as the technology is to geeks like us, we’re also interested in getting stuff done. Therefore, we haven’t exhaustively covered every kind of resource Kubernetes provides, because there are a lot, and many of them you almost certainly won’t need (at least, not yet).
The key points we think you need to know right now are:
The Pod is the fundamental unit of work in Kubernetes, specifying a single container or group of communicating containers that are scheduled together.
A Deployment is a high-level Kubernetes resource that declaratively manages Pods, deploying, scheduling, updating, and restarting them when necessary.
A Service is the Kubernetes equivalent of a load balancer or proxy, routing traffic to its matching Pods via a single, well-known, durable IP address or DNS name.
The Kubernetes scheduler watches for a Pod that isn’t yet running on any node, finds a suitable node for it, and instructs the kubelet on that node to run the Pod.
Resources like Deployments are represented by records in Kubernetes’s internal database. Externally, these resources can be represented by text files (known as manifests) in YAML format. The manifest is a declaration of the desired state of the resource.
is the main tool for interacting with Kubernetes, allowing you to apply manifests, query resources, make changes, delete resources, and do many other tasks. -
Helm is a Kubernetes package manager. It simplifies configuring and deploying Kubernetes applications, allowing you to use a single set of bundled manifests and templates used to generate parameterized Kubernetes YAML files, instead of having to maintain the raw YAML files yourself.
1 k8s, pronounced kates, is a common abbreviation for Kubernetes, following the geeky pattern of abbreviating words as a numeronym: their first and last letters, plus the number of letters in between (k-8-s). See also i18n (internationalization), a11y (accessibility), and o11y (observability).
2 This is the default load-balancing algorithm; Kubernetes versions 1.10+ support other algorithms too, such as least connection. See the Kubernetes documentation for more.
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