This section is for answers to questions from all chapters.
Chapter 1, Kickstarting CMake
- cmake -S /path/to/source -B /path/to/build.
- cmake -build /path/to/build.
- ctest.
- cpack.
- Targets are logical units around which CMake organizes a build. They can be executables, libraries, or contain custom commands.
- Unlike variables, properties are attached to a specific object or scope.
- CMake presets are used to share working configurations for a build.
Chapter 2, Accessing CMake in the Best Ways
- Here are the answers:
- cmake –S . -B ./build -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING= "/usr/bin/clang++ "
- cmake –S . -B ./build -G "Ninja"
- cmake –S . -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING= "-Wall"
- The project previously configured in question 1 can be built ...
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