Application Pooling and Recycling
COM+ 1.5 provides two new application lifecycle management options: application pooling and recycling. Both options are configurable on a new tab on the application’s properties page. Pooling and recycling services are available only for a server application. You cannot configure library applications to use pooling and recycling because they do not own their hosting process. Library applications have, in effect, the pooling and recycling parameters of whatever server application happens to load them.
Application pooling
allows you to configure how many surrogate
processes are launched to host your server application’s
components. Under COM+ 1.0, all instances of components from a server
application always share the same hosting process. Although this
sharing is also the classic COM default, classic COM local server
developers had the option of allocating a process per object (by
registering the class factories with the
flag). COM+ 1.5 gives you explicit control
over how many processes are launched by configuring a processes pool.
The application properties page now contains the
Pooling & Recycling tab (see Figure B-9). You can configure the pool size in the Pool size edit box. The default pool size is one—a single process hosts all instances of components from the application, like in COM+ 1.0. However, if you set it to a value greater than one, COM+ 1.5 creates a process per each new instance until it reaches ...
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