
Arrow DWA Balanced Fund (DWAFX), 188189

Asset class, 4

Barclays Global Investors, 136

Baruch, Bernard, 189

Bearish resistance line, 1723, 34

example of, 22

short-term, 24

Bezos, Jeff (, 96

Breakouts, big base, 7577

Bullish support line, 17, 1921, 34

example of, 20

short-term, 25

violation of, 19, 21


contemplating, 174177

thinking tactically about, 172174

Cash Index Participation (CIP) units, 132

Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), 39

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), 38

Claymore Advisors, 150

Commodities, relative strength with, 5969

Commodity and futures reference sheet, 191192

Commodity/futures-related mutual fund vehicles, 178

Commodity market indexes, 3241

Dow Jones–AIG Commodity Index (DJAIG), 32, 3941, 105

components and weights, 40

Goldman Sachs Spot Return Index (GN/X), 32, 3839

components and weights, 38

trend chart, 39

Reuters/Jeffries CRB Index (CR/Y), 3237

Commodity markets. See Mutual Funds and the evolution of the commodity markets

Commodity Research Bureau Index, 104

Commodity trading advisers (CTAs), 7

Compound interest, 1112

Contango, 149150

Continuous chart, 31

Copper, 53, 5557, 80, 81

trading example, 124126

Credit Suisse Commodity Fund (CRSAX), 40

Crude oil (CRUDE), 5053, 54, 149151, 155161, 165, 166

CurrencySharesSM, 143

British Pound Sterling Trust (FXB), 145

Euro Trust (FXE), 143, 145

Japanese Yen Trust (FXY), 145

Swedish Krona Trust (FXS), 145

Daily Equity & Market Analysis Report, 3537, 4445, 155

Deutsche Bank G10 ...

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