9 Don’t treat too ill my Piero! Interpreting Sraffa’s papers

Heinz D. Kurz*

DOI: 10.4324/9781003138709-12

Original paper: Heinz D. Kurz (2012) Don’t treat too ill my Piero! Interpreting Sraffa’s papers, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36:6, 1535–1569, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cje/bes065. Oxford: Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society.

In economic theory the conclusions are sometimes less interesting than the route by which they are reached.

Sraffa Papers, C 261

9.1 Introduction

When John Maynard Keynes wrote his essay in biography on Thomas Robert Malthus, he asked Piero Sraffa, who at the time was working on the edition of the works and correspondence of David Ricardo, whether he could use the ...

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