Note: Page numbers in italics indicate figures; those ending in “t” indicate tables.
abiotic materials, 90–92, 91t, 98, 129t, 130, 137, 154
access, 43
actionability, 7, 20, 85, 93, 129
Africa, 62, 124. See also specific countries
inefficiency of foreign aid in, 71
natural resources from, 145
agrarian economy, 15
agriculture, 129, 130. See also specific crops
air, 90–91, 91t, 98, 129t, 130, 137, 154
Airbnb, 17
American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 35
approach, 61–63
Asia, growth in, 17
assessment, 154
assets, unrecognized, 132–33
Ateneo de Manila, 50
journey of, 8
vision of, 3–4
Bank of England, 11
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