Chapter 10Review of the Core (220-1002)

Great work! You have completed all of the 220-1002 practice exams. That is a feat in and of itself. But the real test is yet to come. We discuss that in the next chapter.

Now that you have completed the practice exams, let’s do a little review of the 220-1002 domains, talk about your next steps, and look at some test-taking tips.

Review of the Domains

Remember that the 220-1002 exam is divided into four domains, shown in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1 220-1002 Domains


Percentage of Exam

1.0 Operating Systems


2.0 Security


3.0 Software Troubleshooting


4.0 Operational Procedures




As you could see while taking the practice exams, Windows operating system and troubleshooting ...

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