Page numbers with the “S:” prefix are entries from the Digital Online Companion.
accelerated relaxation, 339
Gauss-Seidel method, 339
linear, 91
quadratic, 103
ant raids, S:145
atomic collision, S:228
baseball, realistic flight, 110
bouncing ball, 40
dipole radiation field, 369
electric field hockey, 332
falling tablecloth
mechanical, 316
thermal, 596
game of life, S:138
Halley's comet, S:15
laser-driven coherent state, S:94
magnetic field, 368
Mandelbrot fractals, 254
N-body simulator, 604
oscillation of slinky, S:52
plane electromagnetic wave, 371
planetary motion
Earth, 136
Mercury, 144
precession of Mercury, 148
projectile motion, 84
quantum revival, 2D, 429
quantum scattering from a barrier, S:79
quantum wavepacket
in free fall, 418
in SHO, 408
relaxation of electric potential, 336
shooting for eigenenergies, 461
simple harmonic oscillator, 272
soccer, 117
strange butterfly attractor, 246
thermal equilibrium, 626
Thomson problem, S:67
three-body motion
choreography, 168
collinear, 167
Trojan asteroids, 179
wave on a membrane, 313
ants raiding pattern, S:142, S:147
atomic form factor, S:214
elastic, S:220
atomic reaction, S:211–S:221
antiproton impact, S:247
capture, S:229, S:232
cross section, S:230, S:233
Thomas mechanism, S:234
excitation, S:162, S:214
cross section, S:215, S:216, S:230
electron impact, S:245
ionization, S:162, S:218
cross section, S:218, S:230
electron impact, S:248
free-particle model, S:220
positron ...
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