Daemons, 132
Data, 109–110, 641
accessing, 14–16, 16f
current social networking sites, 15t–16t
analysis, 574–576
cyber forensics and ethics, 574–576
database reconstruction, 576
analytics, 340
breaches, 398
brokers, 743, 746–747
carriers, 341
center/cloud, 346
clustering, 122
collection, 603
correlation and association, 828
data flow, protecting, 293–294
data-carrying device, 341
encryption, 400, 830, 890–891
and encryption, 913
evolutions, 828–829
forensics, 641–642
Guard, 292
hiding analysis, 659b
leakage tools, 533
link layer, 241
security measures in, 322–323
loss, 398, 646
masking, 926
mining based methods,

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