unsigned, 82
WB stage, 305
Load word, 74, 77
Loaders, 135
Loading, A-627–628
Load-store architectures, OL2.23-3
Load-use data hazard, 292, 330
Load-use stalls, 330
Local area networks (LANs), 23See also Networks
Local labels, A-619
Local memory, C-21, C-40
Local miss rates, 434
Local optimization, OL2.15-5See also Optimization
implementing, OL2.15-8
principle, 392
spatial, 392, 395
temporal, 392, 395
Lock synchronization, 127
Locks, 542
address select, D-24, D-25
ALU control, D-6
combinational, 262, B-695, B-699–710
components, 261
control unit equations, D-11
design, 260–263
equations, B-697
minimization, B-708
programmable array (PAL), B-768
sequential, B-695, B-746–748
two-level, B-701–704
Logical operations, 93–95
AND, 94 ...

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