Summary of Market Glocalization

Masaki Ogata

East Japan Railway Company, Tokyo, Japan


Markets have become globalized increasingly in recent years. Customers' requirements have been diversified globally while remaining specific in their local markets. This phenomenon is called glocalization. There are three criteria for the successful, sustainable advancement of research and development in the glocalized market: (1) organization with integration, (2) intellectual property for standardization according to the characteristics of the global and local customers' requirements, and (3) value through diversification in global and local societies. This chapter reviews these three criteria, which were discussed in the preceding chapters, and summarizes glocalization of the market, brieply discussing the innovation chain with respect to criteria 1–3.

15.1 Introduction

As mentioned above, markets have become increasingly globalized. Customer requirements have been diversified globally while remaining specific in their local markets. This phenomenon is called glocalization.

The sustainable advancement of research and development (R&D) in the glocalized market can be successfully achieved by (1) organization, (2) intellectual property, and (3) value (Figure 15.1). Chapters 1214 discuss these three factors. The following is a summary of those discussions:

1. Organization (Figure 15.1, item 1) is discussed in Chapter 12 by Ms. Lasser, of IBM. IBM recently proposed smarter planet ...

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