

ABA problem, 536–537

Abandoned mutexes, 217–219

AbandonedMutexException, 205

Abort API, 109–110

Aborts, thread, 109–113

Account identifiers, lock levels, 583–584

Acquire fence, 512

AcquireReaderLock, 300

AcquireSRWLockExclusive, 290

AcquireSRWLockShared, 290

AcquireWriterLock, 300

Actions, TPL, 890

Actual concurrency, 5

Add method, dictionary, 631

AddOnPrerenderCompleteAsync, 420–421

Affinity. See CPU affinity

Affinity masks, 172–173, 176–178


concurrent program structure, 6

data ownership and, 33–34

style concurrency, 79–80

AggregateException class, TPL, 893–895

Aggregating multiple exceptions, 724–729

Alertable waits

asynchronous procedure calls and, 209

defined, 85

kernel objects and, 188

overview of, 193–195


cooperative ...

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