
AAF, 72

Access Unit, 64

Active network, 143, 146, 179

Active Video Delivery, 129, 148152, 154, 156, 158, 179, 180

ADSL, 46

Advanced Authoring Format, 72

ANTS, 148

Archive, large-scale, 12, 13, 36, 45, 85, 123, 124

ARD, 55

ARF, 11

ARIB, 92

Art Research Foundation, 11

ASF, 105, 175

Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, 92

Asynchronous Transfer Mode, 20

ATM, 20

AU, 64

AVD, 129, 148152, 154, 156, 158, 179, 180

AVDC, 148, 149, 179, 180

AVD Controller, 148, 149152, 154, 156, 158, 179, 180

B2B, 75

Basic UMID, 79, 80

BBC, 911, 55, 72

Beatus, 30, 47, 167

BG, 41, 50, 81

BiM, 64

Binary format for MPEG-7, 63

Binary Group, 41, 50, 81

BML, 131

Broadcast Library, 15, 16, 17

Broadcast Markup Language, 131

Broadcast Programming Center, 15, 16

Business-to-Business, 75

B-VOP, 23

CBR, 19

CD, 38, 46, 130

CG, 33, 34, 168

CIC, 7577

CIDCMN, 7577

cIDf, 37, 7375, 77, 84, 89, 136, 160, 161, 175, 180

CIF, 107

CM, 17, 19, 144, 145, 179

CNRI, 175

Commercial, 11, 15, 17, 56, 58, 72, 130

Compact Disc, 38

Computer Graphics, 33, 34, 168

Constant Bit Rate, 19

Content ID, 37, 49, 51, 73, 74, 76, 77, 84, 89, 94, 95, 110112, 124, 125, 127, 136, 160, 161, 172, 174, 175, 177, 178, 191

Content ID Center, 75

Content ID Center Management Number, 73, 123, 136

Content ID Forum, 37, 73, 84, 89, 136, 175

Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 175

D, 65, 69, 150

D1, 37

D2, 37

D3, 26, 37

D5, 26, 37

D7, 38

DAT, 20

Database, 17, 20, 22, 23, 48, 56, 76, 77, 108, 112, 117, 136, 149, 150, 172, 175

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