Common Errors in Estimation and Use of Cost of Capital
Alina Niculita
Confusing Discount Rates with Capitalization Rates
Substituting EBITDA for Net Cash Flow
Using Both the Discounting and Capitalizing Methods and Weighting Them
Using the Firm's Cost of Capital to Evaluate a More or Less Risky Acquisition or Project
Mistaking Historical Rates of Return for Expected Rates of Return
Blindly Accepting Morningstar's Long-term Average as Today's Equity Risk Premium
Using an Inconsistent Equity Risk Premium Estimate to That Used in the Industry Risk Premium
Using an Inappropriate Beta in the CAPM
Using an Inappropriate Beta in a Multifactor Model
Using a Safe Rate to Discount or Capitalize a Risky Return
Discounting a Risky Series of Returns by the T-bill Rate
Discounting Probability-weighted Cash Flows at the Risk-free Rate
Mismatching the Discount Rate with the Economic Income Measure
Applying a Discount Rate in Real Terms to an Economic Income Projection in Nominal (Current) Terms
Applying Costs of Capital Derived from After-tax Returns to Pretax Net Cash Flows
Applying a Discount Rate Applicable to Net Cash Flow to Net Income
Discounting the Terminal Value for N + 1 Periods
Subtracting a Short-term Growth Rate from the Discount Rate to Get a Capitalization Rate
Performing an Excess Earnings Method Valuation That Results in an Unrealistic Cost of Capital ...
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