The tools available to today's blogger are both powerful and easy to use. Among the most versatile and powerful creations of those tools are templates.

As part of this book's purchase, you are entitled to the free and unlimited use of a set of templates that I designed especially for blogs. If you signed up with Nexcess, the templates are pre-installed on your server, ready to use. If you are using another system or Web host, they are available from the companion site as a downloadable self-extracting archive file.

Even if you are designing from scratch in Notepad or using a WYSIWYG editor, you will use some form of template that uses repeated code to ensure uniformity across your Web pages.

For ease of explanation and consistency in illustration, most of the examples and figures show the default style and default skin (see Figure 5-1);, but many of the other skins present an entirely different look and feel. I urge you to review all of the skins at the companion site,


Figure 5.1. 5-1

Using Templates

Atemplate is simply a pattern that a browser follows when displaying a Web page. This pattern is created with three types of elements:

  • Style or design information. This information is delivered by way of cascading style ...

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