© Ezra Thess Mendoza Guevarra 2020
E. T. Mendoza GuevarraCreating Game Environments in Blender 3Dhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6174-3_1

1. Getting Started

Ezra Thess Mendoza Guevarra1 
Laguna, Philippines

Good day, dear readers! Welcome to Chapter 1 of my book, which is about getting started creating game environments in Blender 3D.

Here we’re going to talk about what exactly a game environment is, the role of a game environment, and the skills needed to make it in this field. We’re going to talk about some tools that will be able to speed up the process, too, in creating your project with Blender.

So, that’s enough for our introduction – let’s get started.

Game Environment

Igi-global.com defines a game environment as being a dimension that brings ...

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